Chapter 17: The Swarm from Afar

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Watching the Nanaue take to land is like watching a thousand ghosts emerge from the depths of hell. The whole coastline is engulfed in the blink of an eye. The trees nearest begin to rustle and sway, creaking and cracking. I see several begin to fall, and I can hear the thunder of countless footsteps echo across the landscape even from here. Flashes of light and the drowned sound of the Kirin's bugle sound, and I know the fighting has begun over there.

The Garuda screams in fury, creating a ring of fire around its nest. Roars and shrieks emerge from the woods, along with sounds unidentifiable that I know must have something to do with skills.

I feel tense here, ready to run at any given moment. Although I should be safe here, this far from the Nanaue and perched on a rock surrounded by quite a bit of freshwater, for all I know they'll behave just like army ants and crawl over the bodies of their suffocating comrades to reach me.

Little Shark is down there.

I used to think of it as a cute and cuddly creature. It's hard to shake that image even now, but after witnessing the wave of death emerging from the sea?

I don't think I'll ever be able to look at the Nanaue the same way again. I don't think I'll be able to look at myself the same way again, even if I left being a Nanaue behind.

So this is why there are no humans left by the shore.

I know it must've started small. The Nanaue must have been only a few at first, emerging from the sea to hunt. The humans may have even thought themselves safe.

And then... their population would have grown and grown, and by the time the humans realized how dangerous the population was they'd have been overrun and wiped out. This is an invasive species. This is why I've had the 'Pestilence' title since I first entered this world.

I watch the world below be engulfed in black and glowing red lights. Thunder echoes as the Kirin fights, and I see several flying rays, each with one glowing eye on their forehead, swooping down attacking the hunters...

Or, I noted as one swooped out of the trees, leading them to a gap in the Garuda's flame barrier, leading them.

The cyclops ray escapes as the Garuda swoops down and massacres the invaders, and I use a status inspection on it. Instead of getting a species, however, I only get one word.

Error - Undefined.

So this creature... it's not an animal, not a monster. Probably not any kind of creature that my mind can dredge up, mythical or nonfictional.

Then what is it?

The strange thing swoops back into the trees before I can get a better look at it.

The night is full of screams and roars, nothing like the silence I would have expected for nighttime anywhere else. This is a warzone of mythical creatures taking place over the ruins of humanity.

After this... there's no way that a human being could survive here. They're either all gone or dead. I knew that already... but now I can see for certain that this place is almost completely uninhabitable.

My mind drifts back to the thought of my possible evolutionary lines. Terror Shark, Nanaue Sorceress, Demon Shark, Greater Nanaue. All of these evolutions are things that would make things much worse. Due to that, it makes sense that everything strong has headed down to the shore to eliminate them. If something like a Nanaue Sorceress, Greater Nanaue, or Demon Shark were to emerge, things would escalate even further, and even this safe haven I've found myself in would be nothing more than a ruined wasteland picked clean by the sharks.

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