Prologue - Room 606

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HELLO BITCHES *queue CL's track*
I'm back by popular demand. Or not. You know. I'm just back.
This is the August D sequel. I hope you enjoy. Btw you can thank my roommate for motivating me.

Some warnings:
-I know it's AGUST D not AUGUST D but my brain does things sometimes and I just let it.
-This story is violent. If you're not comfortable with this, I suggest you don't read it. I just want everyone to feel safe and loved and appreciated (I'm kidding I hate everyone <3).
-Come talk to me in the comments, on twitter (@lookatmejohn) ! I'd love to know what you think ;)

Anyways darlings! Enjoy ;+
(Playlist available on Deezer under my user name)

Btw this was supposed to be the bonus of August D 1, but since I never released it, I thought I'd put it here. That's also why it's so short. Don't worry the chapters won't be ;)

PS : My lovely friend Purplesora has translated the fic in Persian (thank you my love). Check it out under the name Agust D 2.

 Check it out under the name Agust D 2

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As he pushes the wheeling chair out of the hospital room and into the corridor, a few things cross Jimin's mind.

One, his stitches are going to pop.

Two, he won't be able to run then. Not that he can run now.

Three, the hell does he do with the guy who just tried to kill him?

He sees a door marked Staff only and pushes it open. Thankfully, no one's inside. Locking it down, he comes to examine the man passed out on the chair and checks his pulse.

His heart jumps in his chest when he finds none.

He checks again and again, fingers shaking. Finally, he pulls away, staring at his hands. What has he done?

Relax, his brain supplies, He was going to murder you. You had to defend yourself.

But all he'd done was inject the man with an unknown substance. Surely, it wasn't poison. Not in a hospital.

Obviously, it was.

He struggles to remember the face of the man pushing the tray. All he could think about at the time was getting that syringe. He hadn't really paid attention to who was in front of him. Just his reaction.

His features were weird. A strange mix of Korean and Caucasian. The eyes were brown, and so was his hair. Pretty tall, a little muscular. Basic nurse.

He must find him.

First, however, he needs to deal with the man in front of him.

Pushing the chair to the furthest corner of the room, he throws the body off. Thinking maybe he can use one of the lockers, he rummages through them. The man will never fit, but he sees something else there he can use.

August D 2Where stories live. Discover now