The Basement

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The next day, the group woke up all feeling too groggy and miserable to face the day, but they know they have to. Theseus leaves shortly after they all have a good breakfast (cooked by Jacob and Newt). He knows he has to go back to his home sooner or later and he's much rather rip off the plaster now. Newt hugs his brother goodbye and heads down to his basement. Nagini goes to the bathroom to wash up and Tina and Jacob clean up the kitchen (they told Newt that his creatures need him and they're happy to help clean up to keep their minds off things). 

"You know" says Jacob to Tina as they are taking the cutlery and plates and bowls to the sink to be washed up, "we got so distracted 'cause of the whole rally thing that neither you nor Newt told me how things went between the two a youse after you guys left the er safehouse."

Tina freezes as she places a cup into the sink. She looks down into the bowl full of dirty plates and bowls and blushes. 

"We er...." she clears her throat "We did er talk..."

Jacob smiles knowingly. "Uh huh. So he told you about the article?"

"Yeah, yeah he told me that the article was wrong and that his brother was getting married to Leta, and that he kept a picture of me..." Tina tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. 


"And that well erm....he told me that um....m-my eyes are..."

"Like salamanders?" 

"Yes" Tina says, surprised. She turns fully to Jacob, her hand on her hip.

"Jacob, how do you know that?"

"Oh no Newt, why buddy? Look, he asked me for advice on what to say to you when he sees you in Paris and I said to say whatever is on his mind when he does and he said that you have eyes like a salamander. But I told him not to say that-"

"Why would you tell him not to say that?"

"Well, because it's not usually what someone would say to someone who they.... like" 

"But Newt's different. Besides I liked his compliment"

"Yeah I guess it's just what makes Newt, Newt"

Tina starts to wash up the plates and bowls in the sink as Jacob dries the cutlery.  

"Exactly. I mean he loves creatures and being compared to one by him means that he must really like me?"

"Yes exactly. He really does, Tina. I mean the moment he found out you were in Paris he went straight there"

"Yeah and you know he doesn't always look at people's eyes so it must mean he's comfortable around me which is good and- wait, what did you just say?"

"He never told you that you were the reason he went to Paris?"

Tina stops washing up and dries her hands on the tea towel Jacob was just using. 

"No. No he didn't. I mean we got interrupted after he told me about my eyes because Leta came into the records room to find her family tree and we haven't had much of a chance to talk since"

"Look, I can clean up on my own, I mean most of it's done now anyways. You guys need to talk, Tina. Go, talk to him. Help with the creatures, as long as you guys spend some time together and get talking." 

"Right. Yeah we should go talk. Thank you, Jacob"

"No problem. Now go, go to him"

Tina walks over to the door of the basement that Newt entered a few minutes ago. 

She turns and faces Jacob "And Jacob"

Jacob looks up at her "Yes Tina?"

"We will get Queenie back."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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