chapter one.

154 7 19


  ➳ started 4/20/20
➳ ended n/a


The meadows of LavenderClan were like no other. Flowers of all sizes, shapes, and colours grew in the fields and sprouted from cracks in the rocks. Sunshine warmed the treetops and sparkles in creeks. The whole territory shone with life and health.

Dawn had not yet reddened the horizon, and the cats of LavenderClan were sleeping peacefully in their nests. That is, all the cats except for one apprentice.

Flickerpaw sat upright in his den. His pale ginger fur was ruffled, and he gave his chest fur a quick lick as he looked around him in silence. When his fur stayed up stubbornly, he frowned and washed his pelt more vigorously. The other four apprentices of the Clan were still sleeping, their dreams undisturbed.

Flickerpaw sat in silence for a long time. His sister, Petalpaw, stirred sleepily beside him. He glanced over, his olive-green eyes murky in the near-darkness. "Are you awake, Petalpaw?" he whispered softly into her ear.

"Cut it out, Flickerpaw..." his littermate mumbled into her ginger fur.

With a clipped sigh of frustration, Flickerpaw stood up and padded quietly out his den. He sat in the middle of the clearing, gazing up at the last stars disappearing in the sky as it turned to dawn and birds awoke to sing to each other in the new light of day.

"Up already?"

Flickerpaw snapped his neck towards the familiar voice of his mentor. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep," he meowed, looking at his paws.

Bluejaystep's dark, stormy grey fur brushed his own. "Well, we shouldn't waste the day away. Let's go do some training. Do you want to practice hunting or tracking?"

   Flickerpaw tilted his head back, thinking.

practice hunting
➳ practice tracking
➳ suggest practicing fighting 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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