Sweet Escape

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Ten years later

Things hadn't been easy at first. Taylor's career had a taken a massive hit when the storm had hit and it almost made her question a lot of things. Karlie, though, swore to them both that she would never let Taylor go ever again. And she didn't. She held Taylor on the rough nights and when things had gotten to be too much.

They got through it of course.

Just like at this very moment.


"You're doing great babe, just a few more pushes."

"Just like that Mrs. Kloss."

"Karlie, I can't. I'm so tired."

"He's almost here." Karlie smoothed down Taylor's sweaty hair and swept away the falling tears.

"Just one more push Taylor."

Taylor buried her head back into Karlies chest and let out a massive scream and then a much higher scream joined and both mothers let out a sob as their son was born.

"You did it, he's here. I'm so proud of you." Karlie cried into Taylor's ear.

"Who would like to cut the cord?"

Taylor nodded her head tiredly as Karlie gently tried to get out from behind her.

Karlie hadn't been around when Alice, their two year old, was born. She had a shoot in Paris and had been on a flight back when Taylor went into labor. She had been devastated when she arrived and found that she had missed the whole birth. But not this time. She went on leave and was by Taylor's side the entire time.

James Ronan Swift Kloss was born January 1st 2014, exactly ten years since Karlie and Taylor got together.


James had been cleaned and wrapped and he lay in Karlie's arms as Taylor curled sleepily by herside. Blonde little curls were peeking over the bed, both their parents standing at the door.

"Alice, baby, you wanna meet your new brother." Karlie cooed softly.

Little curls bounced and Andrea lifted her small body onto the bed. Alice curled up nice and gently into Taylor and Karlie brought James closer for her to see.

"Baby brotha?"

"Yes sweetheart, he's your baby brother?"

"Lub him?"


Karlie heart could just burst as she looked down as Alice leaned in to place a small kiss on James' forehead.

The End

A/N: I'm not much for writing long stories and I get bored quite easily so I decided to end this story quick before I got really bored and left you all hanging for months like I have in my other fics. This won't be my last Kaylor fanfic, in fact I have several ideas already saved so you should keep an eye out for that. I just wanted to end this before I got A) bored or B)strayed from my original plans and became something I didn't want. Besides who doesn't love mommy Kaylor. I also felt like Taylor would be the carrier for both, she's just the type I feel although I'm sure their third Karlie would carry.

Thank you for reading and commenting, I truly appreciated it! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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