Chapter 5: Anger

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Psycho Girl's POV:
I walk downstairs to see what the commotion is about and see Rain...
"Rain Harmony..." I clench my fists.
He looks up and seems surprised, then he seems angry.
"Psycho Girl, you know your father kidnapped my sister recently." He tells me.
"Good." I cross my arms.
"You know what I dont have time for this." He says.
"And what are you doing instead?" I ask.
"Training so I can survive in this world." He says and walks out.
I follow him to the training area.
He sighs and draws his swords.
He closes his eyes, when he opens his eyes they glow white. He looks to his side as my Daddy teleports beside him and tries to punch him. Rain kicks him into a wall and teleports over, but is distracted by a Nether Portal appearing beside them, a girl lava like hiar, glowing white eyes, a black dress walks through.
Rains looks over and almost seems like hes about to cry at the sight of her, Daddy gets up and shoves Rain to the ground.
She laughs and he seems to have a heartbroken look in his eyes. That confuses me, why would he be upset about that?
Rain teleports away and so does daddy.
I teleport inside the base and walk around, I find Rain and Daryls room and hear soft crying. I knock on the door.
"Vete!" I hear someone shout.
(Go away!)
"Excuse me?" I say, I know its Spanish but I dont speak Spanish.
"I said go away." I realize its Rain talking.
"Are you crying?" I ask.
"N-No." He stutters.
I open the door to see him curled up on his bed hes crying,
For some reason hes in a T-Shirt, and ripped black jeans, even though the window is open and its freezing outside.
I look closer and notice he has scars and bruises all over him, but the seem to be healing at an alarming rate.
"How are you healing so fast?" I ask ignoring the fact hes crying.
"Because of my powers, I have ice magic, cold air heals me." He explains.
"Ah I see, why are you crying?" I ask.
"Y-You wouldn't understand." He stutters in reply.
"Why not?" I notice a picture of him and some girl, it looks kinda like the girl the walked out of the
Something Portal I forget what it's called.
"Because I'm a boy, and you despise boys..." He says.
"Not all boys, just tell me." I say.
"Fine, it's my girlfriend, she was killed by my father, only to be brought back to life so they could force her to fight for them, they corrupted her." He explains.
"Woah, that is dramatic." I say.
"Why would they do that?" I ask.
"Like I siad, so she would fight for them... Or of course it could be to make me miserable." He says
I look at him in confusion, why would his father make him miserable? Doesn't he love him?
I shrug it off and walk out as Daryl walks in.
"Hey dude your turn on the list to cook." He says. Then he sighs sadly.
"Let me guess, you saw her again?" He asks.
"Her?" I whisper.
"Mhm." Rain sighs and drys his tears and walks out. I run to the infirmary and am relieved to see Azura standing there looking at her stash of potions.
"Azura! I need to know everything about Rain." I say.
"That was sudden but alright." She agrees and smiles.

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