Part 1

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December 2019 it was a month I never want to remember but I do and life is a nightmare knowing this pain every day and night is a struggle this is a long story and its going to be hard but it needs to be said so here it goes this nightmare I am talking about is about me and my mother and how I almost lost everything that day its all a big fight for 2 weeks long and I really lost my mind when all of this happened I still to this day April 17th 2020 can not forgive myself and I don't think I ever will maybe one day but I highly doubt it but you have to have faith in life I guess right. well December 2019 my mom gave up on me, my sister and brothers and OD my one brother and baby sister was living with her at the time and no call no text nothing at the time until my oldest brother got a call form the Miramichi Hospital in new Brunswick Canada saying my mother had OD and he was her next to kin and he could only pick what happens next well he did and that's to this day life has been hard u want to know what happens next stay for part two and you will find out.

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