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Jeonghan stared at the cup of coffee on his desk. It came with a note. Nothing's written. Just a drawing of a heart with a smiley face inside.

Normally, Jeonghan would find it cute. After all, it's not the first time someone has secretly left something on his desk. He's popular and he's got a good following-- both sexes, mind you. And he is the student council president, a lot of people would want to be on his good side. So something like this, does not often bother him. However, this time it did. Because he knew exactly whom it came from.

"Oh someone's got a secret admirer." Shua teased as soon as he settled on his desk, not too far from where Jeonghan is. He is, after all, the vice president.

Jeonghan rolled his eyes, "Except it's not a secret." Shua looked at him with his signature big eyes. They exchanged a look. "OH!" the latter exclaimed. "Spill!" Shua sat by Jeonghan's desk.

Jeonghan proceeded in telling his bestfriend what went on the night before.

"Holy shit, he's a virgin?!"

"Shh-- keep your voice down!" Jeonghan looked around, checking if someone heard them. He glanced to where Seungcheol is seated, a huge smile still plastered on his face.

"Well fuck, Jeonghan! Way to go! Seems like you'll be popping someone's cherry soon, huh?" then Shua crossed his arms on his chest, "But did you tell him about your no-dating rule?"

Jeonghan shook his head.

"Well double fuck!" Shua was half-laughing half - reprimanding. "You know virgins get easily emotionally attached. You better tell him that before your next "study session"" he air-quoted.

Jeonghan knew Shua was right. He glanced again at the freshman, their eyes met and the latter smiled so brightly Jeonghan was sure he got blinded again. Yes, he has to tell him. To avoid complications.


But Jeonghan never really got around to saying what he had intended to. Seungcheol came to his room almost everyday after that night and even before Jeonghan can come around to saying what he wanted, Seungcheol is always fast on his feet to pin him against the wall or the table or the couch or any flat surface really.

They still haven't gone all the way. Seungcheol would be apologetic but Jeonghan actually finds it cute. Seungcheol's the eager type but if something becomes a little too much for him, he would panic and blush like mad.

Jeonghan didn't mind taking it slow. He liked the change of pace. It was more refreshing that way and he liked having Seungcheol around. He's funny and playful and just all sorts a delight. He also didn't mind that Seungcheol likes to roam around his dorm half-naked. He'd often find himself staring and admiring the art that is Choi Seungcheol.

But at the back of his mind, Jeonghan knew he had to set the records straight. Seungcheol seems like the clingy, showy type of person and that often reflects to an individual's stand on relationships. With the knowledge that the younger man is still a virgin, Jeonghan wonders if he's at least experienced being in a relationship.

"Alright, done!" Seungcheol exclaimed, waving his papers at Jeonghan. "Now for my reward.." Seungcheol lifted Jeonghan easily from where the older is seated. Jeonghan squealed but clung onto the buff man anyways.

Seungcheol laid him down on the couch and hovered above him. "I've been wanting to kiss you all day." he said.

"Just kiss?" Jeonghan raised his eyebrow and Seungcheol growled playfully then attacked the senior's lips.

Seungcheol is a really good kisser. Jeonghan has kissed a lot of guys, but Seungcheol is by far the most best one. The way he savors the kiss, sucks on the lips and how his tongue runs on the roof of Jeonghan's mouth is driving him insane. He could kiss Seungcheol for the whole day and not get tired of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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