Chapter 1: You don't scare me.

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Sounds of pain and war cries surrounded her as she galloped on her white horse into the war ahead of her men. She slashed the enemies one after another. Her long White hair blew behind her as she fought with cold blue eyes. She jumped from her horse to stab an enemy about to kill her soldier. The soldier's eyes widend.

"Pay attention or you'll die." She said coldly and decapitated a man going to kill her.

The soldier pale and nodded. "Yes my queen!" He said went back to fighting.

Her blew around her as she watched the scene. She gripped her sword hoping this fighting would stop soon. She really didn't like seeing people in pain or causing it. She ran quickly and wounded most men where they had to stay down. Her eyes glared as one grabbed her hair. A soldier stabbed him for her. She nodded her thanks and fought with her army.

When they almost won a large enemy showed up smirking. Her soldiers paused nad looked at her.

"My Queen. What do we do?" One of her younger soldiers asked.

She frowned and walked to the front. "I got this boys." She said and pulled both her swords out and got in a ready stance.

The large enemy smirked and charged at her. He rose his huge sword and slammed it onto her causing a bunch of dust making them not see. He smirked thinking he killed her.

The soldier yelled for their queen in worry and sadness. They paused though when the dust cleared.

"My my...That wasn't very polite." She said blocked sword with one of hers.

The whole battlefield went silent in shock of her strength. Her men cheered for her.

"That's our Queen!"

"She so strong and fearless!"

"And beautiful!"

She chuckled at her men and shoved the large man back a few feet. She flipped her hair and put a hand on her hip. "Sorry but it takes more than that to kill me." She said charging at him.

He growled and dodged her swinging his large sword at her small body.

She smirked and jumped on his sword. She ran up it onto his sword and stabbed his eye.

He screamed in pain and held his eye shaking in pain.

She backflipped off his shoulder and landed on the ground.

The giant glared at her as his eye bled. "You'll pay for that!" He yelled angrily. He swung recklessy at her almost taking out his own men.

This angered her and she dodged and sliced off one of his feet.

He screamed and fell to the ground. He groaned but yelled in pain when she stabbed his nose.

"How dare you attack your own men!! They are not pawns! They people just like you!" She yelled angrily at the giant.

This caused his men to pause. They were shocked by why she even cared since she was their enemy.

The giant's eyes widened at her actually caring for them.

"There's enough blood shed as it is. No reason to hurt your own men." She said as her hair blew in the wind.

The battlefield went silent before a horn was blown for the enemies to retreat.

After she watched them leave defeated, the queen turned and eyes widened as her men group hugged her. She rolled her eyes and ruffled their hair. "Alright enough. Time to get everyone home." She told them as they all headed home, helping the injured.

The men were always very positive and started to sing silly folk songs as they headed back. She hid a smile listening to them.

'These men are something else.' She thought to herself as they walked.

They stopped at a place in the forest to camp since it started to get dark.

She tended to the injured and made them take their medicine. She was seen as ice Queen but she was actually very gentle with her men.

It started to get dark and the men and her were sitting around the campfire. She listened to them tease each other and joke around being silly. She closed her eyes as the wind moved her hair. She let her guard down a lot around her men. She knew they all trusted each other a lot. The men respected her a lot. They had heard rumors of people calling her a Ice Queen with her people, but the more they were around her they saw a stern and motherly Queen. She never showed much emotion but they could tell she had a heart. She just kept it hidden.

They lifted their heads hearing a woman's angered yell nearby.

"Get your damn hands off me!!" They all heard a female's voice say before hearing a explosion and saw flames.

Sierra stood and ran into the woods with a few of her men as the others stayed at camp. She blinked seeing a Red headed girl with flames around her body but they didn't seem to harm her.

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