Chapter 3: Helping the Vampire Queen

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"Aren't you gonna ask the Sky kingdom for help?" Racer asked Rosealena as they walked. 

"No. They have enough problems as it is...I'll just try to deal with my Father by myself I guess." She said as her hair blew in the wind like flames. 

The crow squawked at her making them all pause as it lands on the ground. It then turned into a man with curly black hair and grey eyes with black feathered wings. "Are you stupid?! That man will destroy you, Rose! Remember what happened last time!! You were close to death!" He yelled at her with his fist clenched. 

She sighed quietly. "Jax I know you're worried, but I won't force anyone to help me. I won't deny I'm afraid but...I don't want anyone else killed by him either. He already killed mom and brother." She said with a sad expression. 

Racer frowned knowing she still misses them. "Rose. He's worried. And so am I. You're mentally still healing and that not good in a war. Nor a battle." He said looking up at her. 

She pulled her hood down and ruffled her hair. "I know guys...But I have to do something. He's threatening the people of my kingdom. My citizens count on me to survive. I can't let anything happen to them." She said leaning on a tree. 

Jax and Racer glanced at each other worried before sitting by her. 

"Ya know...You saved us both as well. You've protected even though were just your guards." Jax said glancing at her. 

"Yea and you took us in when we thought no one was there for us. You're like our Family Rose." Racer said leaning his head on the tree. 

She looked at them and sat down. "I don't know what to do..." She mumbled holding her head. 

"Good Thing I do." Sierra said from in front of them with her hand on her hip. 

Rose looked up and scrambled up with the men. "Sierra?! But I thought you didn't want to help?" She asked confused. 

"I had a change of heart," Sierra said and walked over to them. "You need help, right? I'll help for payment." She said crossing arms. 

Racer growled. "Seriously?!" He yelled annoyed. He stopped when Rose put her hand up for him to hush. 

"Depends what you want." Rose says putting hands on her hips. 

"An alliance with your kingdom." Sierra states bluntly. 

Jax and Racer widened their eyes and tilted their heads. 

Rose chuckled. "Is that all?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"No. The last is something a bit personal." Sierra said with a serious expression. 

Rose raises an eyebrow at her. "What is it then?" She asked crossing arms. 

Sierra sighed before looking up at them. "I need help finding someone. I didn't know they existed until last year. I've tried locating them but it always fails. Think you can help?" Sierra asked the small redhead. "

Rose raised an eyebrow at this but nodded to agree. "Alright. I'll try my best." Rose said and put her hand out for Sierra to shake. Rosealena Aldon may be a Queen of Vampires and known as a cruel Queen to other lands, but if she made a deal with someone she would do her part no matter what it cost. Especially if it benefitted her people. 

Sierra grabbed her and shook it sealing their deal. She quickly let go and straightened her stance. "So your Kingdom is being targeted by your father? Why?" Sierra asked with a raised eyebrow. 

Rosealena sighed and gripped her necklace. "When I was young he kicked me out of the castle by selling me to a damn Circus. The leader there picked and tortured me for my powers so his show would be unforgettable. But I soon escaped when I was older. I went back to the castle deciding to take my kingdom back. I had seen how he was abusing my people and I wasn't going to let it happen no more. I challenged him in a battle to take it as my own. If I had beat him I would get the kingdom. It was difficult but I won the battle after a whole day. He's coming back to forcefully take the kingdom as his again...I won't let him no matter the cost." Rosealena said clenched her fists and staring at Sierra with a determined expression. 

Sierra paused slightly surprised by the Young Queen's determination and loyalty to her people. She has met many other Kings and Queens but never one this loyal and protective of their people. Sierra could tell this girl cared deeply for her land and people. She smirked and nodded. "Alright. Then let's kick this bastard's ass." Sierra said with a smirk and a hand on her hip. 

Rosealena smiled and nodded. "My spies said he was planning to come this weekend so that gives us this week to make a plan to make him regret he messed with the Vampires." She said with a smirk of her own. 

Jax and Racer followed the woman to Rosealena's Castle. It was deep in the woods. It appeared to be very creepy looking as they approached it. 

Sierra raised an eyebrow since the girl seemed very sweet and kind so she wasn't expecting the castle to be so creepy looking. She followed the small redhead closer to the castle with the men behind them. Sierra's eyes widened as they entered the gate. She realized soon as they passed inside the gloomy skies clears and the fog disappears. She looked up seeing the castle become more welcoming and cleaner. 

Rosealena snorted at Sierra's surprise. "Mom has a spell on this castle since she died. We've always had many enemies so when I was young she put up a spell where if you're not inside the barrier this place looks scary and unwelcoming, but when you enter, it changes to its true look." She said with a proud smirk. 

"Gotta admit that pretty clever. If it just showed this calming aura they would probably not hesitate to attack. Your mother was smart putting the spell up." Sierra said with a shrug. 

Rosealena smiled sadly. "Yea...well anyway just come inside we can better inside." She said pushing the door open. 

Sierra walked in and followed the short Queen to a large lounge with a table with a map of all the kingdoms on it. Sierra looked around noticing lots of papers scattered around. She figured it was from the redhead trying to form a plan and was getting desperate. "So I heard you talking about the Sky Kingdom? Do y'all know them personally?" She asked helping Rosealena pick up the papers. 

Rosealena chuckled faintly. "Well no honestly. I just heard from some of my people that they were good people. I was gonna ask them as plan B but I decided against it since we never met yet. " She said picking up the rest of the papers. 

Sierra nodded watching her. "I see. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but why ask for help? I mean you seem like you can handle yourself pretty well for such a young Queen-" she paused as Rosealena started to laugh. It wasn't mocking or mean like she thought it would be from another royal. It was genuine and full of friendly amusement. 

Rosealena smiled at her. "Sorry for my laughter but I'm not exactly young. I'm 218 years old." She said chuckling. "but as for your question on why I'm asking for help...well I honestly doubt I could kill my own father...You can call me weak if ya want. I don't care." She said setting papers by the map. 

Sierra paused seeing the sadness in the girl's blue eyes. She sighed and looked at the map. "Word of Advice. Just cause you have to ask for help doesn't make you weak. I can tell by your aura that it probably took a lot of guts to ask for my help. Or anyone's for that matter. " She said with a serious expression. Sierra could tell the redhead was very independent and strong, but she also seemed to have her own weaknesses that she hid from sight. 

Rosealena looked surprised for a moment before smiling to herself. "I'll keep that in mind," she said smiling. "But back to business. The plan has to keep this man away from my people. No matter the cost." She says with a determined face. 

Sierra nodded and stared at the map. "We should start by making a curfew for all Kingdoms nearby and here. So he cant take any hostage." She said tapping on towns and kingdoms circled around the Vampire Castle. 

Rosealena nodded. "Alright. I'll go work on that as you talk with guards on plans so far." She said throwing the hood of her cloak over her head. "Just ask Jax for any help if you have any trouble. He's the Captian." She said before leaving with the Racer following her once again. 

Sierra watched her leave and sighed to herself. She looked at the map but paused noticing a sketchbook on the sofa. She walked over and picked it up. She flipped through the pages to see sketches of the castle inside and out and drawings of random people and guards. Some were even not from the Vampire kingdom. 

Jax walked in and snatched the sketchbook from her. "I don't think the Queen would appreciate you going through her sketchbook." He said shutting the sketchbook. He was protective of her since she saved him and Racer when they were younger. He also knew all the redhead's vulnerabilities and fears. 

Sierra watched him cautiously. "I see. Y'all seem quite close." She said going through the papers. 

Jax sighed and sat on the sofa. "Well, my story is she found me when I was a kid running from bandits. They were using me to get money. They had forced me to be a pickpocket. Let's just say that how I met Rose. She saved me from that fate." He said staring out the window. 

Sierra frowned. "And the other guy?" She asked curious of the other man's story.

Jax looked down. "His is a bit more intense and personal. I would let him tell you." He said giving her a serious glare. 

Sierra nodded and headed outside.  She stared at the sky as the wind blew her long white hair. She started to wonder more about this girl and her painful past. She had a feeling the redhead was hiding a lot of things. Sierra wondered if this girl had more than anger in her heart. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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