Who is she? [Pt. 1]

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Ruu. A girl of mysteries. Who was she? Nobody knew. She had always stayed silent, no emotion. Not even a simple smile could be seen from her. The truth is, she gets abused by her family. Her hair is long, black, and approximently goes to her rear-end. Her eyes are a sorrowful purple as her bangs cover them about halfway. Ruu has pale skin and always wore black jeans with a black t-shirt.

Now that you, my reader, have a small description of her, shall we start the story?

[Sundown: Friday - 8:30 PM]

Ruu roams the darkened streets of Spring Valley, San Diego. She had been walking home from Albertsons for her big brother, Deivon, for a semi-late dinner.

A young (yet old) boy sat on the street lamp post, watching her. He goes by the name of Leversi. As he watches her, a smirk appears on his face.

The girl walks, thinking she had been alone, she had begun to talk out loud to herself.

"That big idiot" she began, "Making me go out this late... Who does he think I am?! His maid?!"

Leversi overheard Ruu and silently chuckled to himself. As he disappears off the post, he reappears down the street, awaiting her arrival.

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