I killed him... (Final part)

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Ruu's chains unsheath themselves and pin the running boy.

"Tch!" Leversi yells as he's pinned. "Let me go you inputent human!" He yelled.

"Human? Who said i'm human?" Ruu had begun to laugh.

'What.. What is she...?!' The boy thought to himself.

Ruu turns around to face Leversi, whom is now pinned to the wall.

"Let me go or perish...!" He yelled through gritted teeth.

"Pathetic..." Ruu put a single hand over her left eye. "You truly are pathetic. Vampire lord? More like child. You whine and cry like the baby you are. Where's your wife? Oh right, you don't have one!" She bursted with laughter.

"You idiotic-" A pair of lips touch Leversi's, daring to cut him off.

Invisible blades come in the millions and surround the girl.

Ruu had pulled away, giving a smile.

"Any last words?"

Leversi stayed silent.


She kisses him again, each and every blade raining down and peircing the boy.

Ruu steps closer, deepening the kiss as the blades begin to rain down faster and harsher.

Leversi's struggling slowly begins to vanish as he feels his breath and energy being deprived of his body.

'Am I dying?! This can't be... I can't die!' His thoughts soon came corrupted.

He finally stops struggling as the chains let him loose.

All he felt was the warmth of Ruu's lips on his.

'This woman... Her lips... Her blood... It's all amazing...' Leversi thought as his vision soon turned to black.

'Oyasumi... Onii-chan.'

The very last blade shot down, ending Leversi's life for good.

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