Why am I not scared? (Pt 3)

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The two reappear in the feeding chamber of Leversi's castle.

"Erm... I need to be HOME, not here." Ruu had rubbed her arm slightly.

"Oh, but you see, my dear, this is your home... Your eternal home." He smirks.

"What?! Um, no thank you! I'm not living here! You just don't understand why I need to get home." She let out a sigh.

"Well, I can always kill you."

"No thank you."

"Then stop complaining."

Ruu gave a sigh.

Leversi disappears into bats and appears behind Ruu, his breath on her neck.

She tenses up at the touch of Leversi's lips on her scruff.

As Leversi opened his mouth, his fangs ached with hunger.

He sinks his teeth into her neck but soon pulls out.

"Your blood... I-It's too thick..." The boy dropped to his knees soon after.

An insane grin appears on Ruu's face.

"My blood has an antidote in it... When I was a child I had a vampiric friend such as you are. He had bit me but instead of being turned into a vampire, I grew chains in my body. You are a fool. To prevent being bit again, they made my blood thicker."

Leversi lets out a small growl.

"So thats why I feel so weak."

"Of course~"

Once Leversi's strength had regenerated, he charged at Ruu. Hunger and desperation lingering clearly in his eyes.

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