Chapter 2: Missing Body and More Questions

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*October 11, 1928*

Maria Kennedy's POV

"WHO DID THIS?!" Abe asked.

"I have no idea!" I said.

"It certainly wasn't me! No, no. Somebody- NOT ME, must have moved it between the time I was the last person alone with the body in the room and then stepped out for a few minutes to take care of some personal business that you don't need to know about. Could have been anybody... except me."

At this point in time, Benjamin walked in.

"What the h*ll happened here?" he asked.

"The body's been moved," Abe replied.

"On it's own?" Benjamin asked in disbelief.

"No, of course not. Unless it did, in which case we've got way bigger problems than a simple murder." *thunderclap*

"What the h*ll happened here?* Chef asked as he walked in.

"The body's moved!" Benjamin said.

"On it's own?" Chef asked. I facepalmed.

"We haven't quite ruled that out just yet, but
let's not forget we've got a murderer," Abe said. *thunderclap* I turned around and, all of a sudden, William was in my face, causing me to jump back.

"Bully!" he said. "Quite the storm out there, eh, chaps? What are you doing huddled in here in fear?"

"We have a zombie problem," Chef explained.

"There is no such thing as-" I started, but William interrupted me.

"Ah, Homo necrosis!" he said. "The MOST dangerous game. Well, if someone needs to put the old lad down again, l'm well up for the privilege."

"What do you mean by 'again'?" I asked as my investigative abilities surfaced once again.

"And what do you mean by 'privilege'?" Abe added.

"Well-I'm just saying, I've got plenty of..." William looked down at where the outline was "e-experience on the matter."

"So do I," Chef said matter-of-factly.

"That... doesn't add up," I said skeptically.

"Yeah, that just raises more questions," Abe agreed.

"Well, I'm off to the grounds to see if I can catch a whiff of the old bag of bones, eh?" As William left the room, he let out a series of laughs that made me feel very uncomfortable.

"Weren't you and Mark the same age?" Benjamin asked as William's laughter ended in a cough.

"Why had I not thought about that?" I thought.

"Alright, I don't trust him," Abe said. "Then again, I don't trust anyone."

Benjamin and Chef shrugged and looked at each other sheepishly.

"Alright, lock this place down," Abe declared. "Secure the front gate. I don't want anyone in or out of this place until we get to the bottom of this."

"Locks won't keep people from getting out, sir," Benjamin pointed out.

"Locks won't, but Chef will," Chef said as he adjusted his uniform and left the room.

Look, you're a real smart son-of-a-bitch," Abe said, reaching towards Benjamin's face. "Handsome, too. Beautiful, even.

Benjamin recoiled back in discomfort.

"BUT, we don't have time for this. I think we forgot the most important question of all during our arousing game of whodunit. Why? Why?

"Come, walk with me."

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