Chapter 1 - Part 2

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Blaire turned and walked back the way she came, only to figure out that the streets are laid out like a maze. Soon she was back at the fake Dr. Pepper can, which meant the boy sitting on the wall was slightly ahead, she figured it would be quite embarrassing if she passed the boy again but just as she turned around to continue trying to find her way home, he called out to her.

"Hey, I take it you could find your way back" He said hopping down from the wall and walking towards her.

Blaire only just noticed how tall the boy was which she hadn't noticed before as the wall was also pretty tall, she nodded sheepishly "but how did you know it was me?"

"You're hair," they boy smiled "I don't know anyone around here with ginger hair."

"It's strawberry-blonde, not ginger," she corrected him.

"Same thing," he rolled his eyes before putting put his hand to her "Lewis, by the way"

Blaire shook it gingerly "Blaire."

"Well Blaire, I know these streets better than anyone," Lewis started "maybe I can help you get home? Just tell me where you live"

"Oakhill Hollow, number four"

"That's not too far, in fact I'm throwing a party near there tomorrow night at the Crooked Minx bar"

"Good for you." She said "what way is my house?"

"You can come along if you like, just give me your phone, I'll put my number in it and give you the party details."

Blaire sighed handing over her phone. She really wanted to go to a party, even if she didn't show it. Her life was never really that interesting. She made a living off of selling her art online and making YouTube videos. She lived in the house she got from her grandmother's will when she was seven, and The Crooked Minx is just down the road from it.

Lewis handed her phone back which she checked to find his number under the name "Lewis ;P" Blaire decided she would take out the winking face later.

"This way" he said and she followed obediently.

Eventually they were in Oakhill Hollow.

"I can find my way home from here" Blaire told him.

"You sure you don't want me to come to your door?"

She raised an eyebrow, "I'm sure"

"Okay then" Lewis winked and turned around "see you tomorrow night"

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