These walls

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These walls stand strong ;
As they should be ;
For it would be wrong ;
To fall;

These walls have heard it all ;
From jokes to cries ;
Confessions to betrayals;
Pain and joy;
Secrets to birthday songs;

So stand tall these walls should;
Protect these memories they should;
For these girls will come eagerly;
To hear all of them again;

These walls have been trusted;
By these girls;
All the whispers and bathroom conversations;
Trusted to you, walls;

Cherish them for the time;
These girls away;
They promised each other to return;
Wait patiently, walls;

For they will come running back;
To reminisce these times;
Spent with you, walls,
Stand tall should you;

The secrets you carry ;
Are too precious to bury;
So the girls will surely hurry;
They miss their time of glory;

So endure the loneliness, my dear wall;
These girls need you;
You have made them the strong women they are today;
Surely they will return with their children;

The layers of paint is a barrier;
To keep all the stories and secrets;
Every year a new layer;
To strengthen these walls;

No matter how thick your walls are;
I can still hear the echoes of laughter;
As I walk pass these wall;
I am going to miss walking pass you;
I am going to miss these faint laughter;

This year... ;
I leave you;
This year, I leave you, my stories;
These walls will carry them till I return;
For I plan to tell these stories to my babies;

I entrust you to keep them safe till my return, my dear school walls.

Author's note

This was the poem, I strung up from the chain of thoughts , I had when I graduated.

I am sorry if there are errors. 🥰

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