Chapter 3

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I instantly felt humiliated! I noticed Sensei-Aizawa was NOT happy with me. So I just walked to my desk catching a sight of Bakugo looking somewhere he should not be looking. I had to do something, so I punched him in nose breaking it.


"What!? The hell!? He was staring at my ass!! Plus you can't suspend me on the first day back to school!!"

"Piss, off just get out and take Katsuki to the nurse."

"Ugh! Fine.."

I groaned being annoyed as hell and dragged Bakugo towards the nurse's office. "This is your fault nerd." Is he seriously calling me nerd after I just hit him with a righthook!? Who the hell does he think he is!?

I stayed silent and saw out the corner of eye he was staring at my breasts. This fucking perv.. This dude is just, ugh!!!

"Ya know, I'm not trying to be mean.."

Wait what..? The guy who's been staring at my ass and breasts, not to mention calling me a damn nerd!? Geez..

"Bakugo... You call me a nerd and stare at my body and expect me to forgive you? Thats unforgivable!"

I walked off in anger secretly letting a few tears fall. I mean, I kinda liked him but how can I like someone who bullies me for no damn reason!? All I've done is try to be nice and leave him alone, yet this is what I get typical...

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