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I simultaneously pressed my left thruster forward and the right back to bring myself to a stop outside the window of the NASTY WATER. "What kind of name is that for a ship?" I said & heard the answering snicker of Pol through the headset.

He was hovering three clicks away in our TriStar. It may have been the fastest ship on the market, but it was still detectable by radar, & Nasty Water had an excellent radar system.

"Ow!" I said as a small asteroid - the only reason I was able to get this close - collided with me. I lunged forward to grab onto the window seam before I could get blown off course - & blow the whole MISSION!

We'd been tailing these sky pirates for weeks, waiting for the opportunity to get close enough to plant the tracking device. Before another asteroid could hit me, I hit the button to extend the prong with the paper-thin device. I lined it up with the window seam's bolt & hit the button to activate it's magnet. My mind imagined the small click it made as it stuck in place, but I didn't imagine the swelling of my heart in satisfaction.

I laid a hand on the hull, about to push off, when I glanced in through the window. "Black Holes take me!" I swore.

"What?" Pol asked, his voice tense & alert.

I reached up & activated my helmet camera. "I'm sending images through now. That cargo they picked up in Mycentia... they aren't smuggling crates of bino-combusters. The intel was muddled. They're smuggling dinosters."

My heart sank to see the small, grey creatures lying listlessly in open crates across the dim room. They were docile, easy prey. Trading them had been banned centuries earlier when they'd almost been hunted to extinction. Their planet had been cordoned off & protected heavily by the Coucil of Galaxies while the dinosters slowly repopulated.

Pol sighed heavily. "This means the corruption has extended into The Galactic Guard. Get out of there, Nye." I pushed off, ducking an asteroid. "Things just got a whole lot more complicated."

WANT MORE OF THIS MISSION? The story continues in my book "Blast Off! Short Spurts of Sci-Fi"

Written for  BeyondSol's Word of The Week - Word:

Word of the week: Mission

Task: Use the word in an entry one comment long (2000 characters)

A dribble, a drabbleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя