One-Shot story

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Hi! Im gonna write a one-shot story😎


Okay. My plan is to go to the mortal world, without Hera seeing me. I am going to have a night with a mortal who's name is Amanda (dont get affected if this is your name). She is sweet and hotter than Hera! We are in the dinner pavilion, Apollo and Artemis arguing about who is older. Ares and Hephaestus arguing about Aphrodite. Athena and Poseidon insulting each other like 'barnacle beard' or 'owl head'. While i sit in the end of a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long table and the other end was Hera, her beautiful hazel nut locks and her elegant purple eyes, i snap back and ate my dinner silently.

"Zeus?" Hera asked, and i looked at her

"Yes?" I replied emotionless

"Uh..i..nevermind just keep on eating" she stammered and left her plate and went to the halls, everyone was looking at her as she go. I just shrugged it off.


I read his mind, his dirty mind. I dont know why i married him, oh right! He raped me and force me to marry him. He just stayed faithful to me like 300 years ONLY. Yeah it was our honeymoon. I dont know what the Hades i did wrong! I am bitter, yes, as you may say, i am evil, as you say, and im truly heartless, AS YOU ALL SAY. But no! I am not a heartless monster. Whenever Zeus go to cheat, i..i broke down! I dont tell the other Olympians except my sister, Hestia. I mean she knows all...she knows all like really, I didnt tell her she just walks up to me and said "i know you cry whenever Zeus go." She said and i sat there in my throne, wide eyed.

So, i dont like to kill those innocent people, but i have to, i coudnt do it to Zeus, he'll just chain me up again in the Void. I dont want to hang there, not again. I was running through this damn long hallways, then i quickly teleported to my garden, courtesy of My sister Demeter and her daughter Persephone, for the flowers and other plants. I was cupping my face with my hand, and realized my hands were soaking wet, no i dont wear make-up i just wear them when its needed, like a ball or a celebration, thats when i needed to wear one. Not like Aphro though..

"Hera?" A calm voice said as i quickly wipe the tears away and make it dry. I tilted my head towards the door and stood there. Demeter and Hestia. Oh gussie..they made their way to the bench i've been sitting at. Hestia in my right side and Demeter on my left side, both of them patted my back and i slouched, which was an un-queenly mannerism.

"Hera, dont worry about that lightning bug" Demeter rolled her eyes as a lightning flashed over Olympus

"He's a drama queen" thunder rumbled as Demeter said that. I smiled to them and sighed

"I wish i could do something to him." I paused, trying hard not to cry

"But he'll just ignore me." I added and a tear rolled down

"Oh Hera, we hope too" Demeter wiped that tear away

"Hera, i know you've been abused.." Hestia started, she was really quiet when Me and Demeter talked. Usually when one is done she'll talk. But she didnt, like if someone pause, she'll talk. When she said that,i couldnt speak at all. I was completely frozen in shock.

"" i looked down

"HERA. I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN ABUSE BY THAT ASSHOLE!" Hestia stood, Me and Demeter stared at her in shock. HESTIA and SWEARING dont fit! And she NEVER swears.

"Hera please tell me. Honestly" she said scrunching her brows together, Demeter looked at me. I can't lie to my 2 elder sisters. I just cant

"Yes. He abused me." I said and gulped

"How many times?" Demeter asked

"On..once" i stammered again and i looked at them, they raised their brows and i sighed

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