Chapter 1: Nightmare

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Mario's POV:

Bowser charged at me as I stood on guard. I readied a fireball when out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed a flash of green flew past by me. It was Luigi who was trying to block Bowser. As in a movie that had been put to slow motion, I watched Luigi getting punched. He flew across the room and was slammed against a wall. I ran over to him and delicately picked him up.

"Luigi! Luigi! Are you alright!?" I called out, my voice trembling.

"M.... Mario....." Luigi struggled. "The rest is up to you...... Go... Save the..... Princess......."

With that, Luigi dropped his head as he went limb.

" This can't be happening..... Luigi! Don't die on me! Luigi!" I shook him violently, hoping he was just unconscious. But when I put my head to his chest, no heartbeat.

"Luigi......." I trailed off. I fell on my knees and cried out.


I sat up with a start, cold sweat dropped from my forehead. My hair was in a matted mess as I looked around. Luigi was sitting on the side of my bed. He was alive and well as he looked at me with his concerned, sapphire eyes.

"M.... Mario? You okay?" He asked me.

Without another word, I wrapped him in my arms as I wept.

"It's another nightmare...... Luigi..... I don't know what I would do without you anymore..... " I wailed.

Luigi patted my back in comfort as he soothed me with his calm voice.

"There, there Mario. I'm okay, I'm alive, I'm well. There's nothing to be afraid of. You're the Super Mario, remember?"

I nodded as I continued to sob into his shoulders. I thought back on the times where I would comfort him whenever he was scared. Brothers are a blessing. Sure, him and I fight from time to time. But most of the times, we get along. He's the only person I have left in this world who I care about deeply. He is my own flesh and blood. My parents died just a few years ago by the hands of Bowser. He somehow found my parent's house and killed them. My dad wasn't as agile as he used to, so he died in vain. By the time Luigi and I heard of the news, the house was already being burnt down to the ground. It hit Luigi the hardest. He was mom's boy. That was when I decided that I have to keep Luigi safe since he was the only person left in this world that still share a close bond with me. Whenever people say that I take all the glory and honor to myself, it pained me. Not that I don't want Luigi adventuring with me, I just didn't want him to get hurt and die. I hate to see Luigi looking all sad whenever people praise me. But I don't want to push him since I know he's a shy person and doesn't like attention. He just want to feel appreciated. I just wish people would just stop judging and to really look at the depth of things.....

"M.... Mario? You okay? You haven't been speaking. You're worrying me.... " Luigi said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I pulled away and looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Sorry you had to see me like this Weeg...."

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. He gave a little chuckle.

"It's okie. Everyone gets scared once in a while. You're no exception. Don't push yourself too hard."

I smiled at him. He's always so sweet. Best little brother anyone could ask for.

"Hey Luigi......" I begin. "Can you sleep with me again? I mean, it helps with the nightmare to know that you're right next to me... " I looked away blushing. I probably looks like a fool in front of Luigi.

"But I'm not going anywhere Mario. You can be sure of it." Luigi said.

" Please?" I begged.

"Alright, alright. Lay down Mario." Luigi said as he got in the cover with me. I sighed and put an arm around Luigi. Before long, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. When I woke up the next morning, he was gone.

Hello my wonderful readers! Thank you for reading this cheesy brotherly love fan fiction. I hope you like it and will continue to support my stories. I hope to see you next time! Until then, stay positive!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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