Chapter two: meeting Mr.Wayne

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~Percys POV~
A lady woke me and the rest of the boys in my room up around 9:00. She told us to get dressed and ready for when Mr.Wayne would arrive.
I sat up in my bed and started rummaging in my backpack for my best clothes. I ended up with a pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt, I went down the plain hallway until I found the bathroom and got dressed. I had brought my backpack with me so I just looked through it again until I found a toothbrush and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and headed back to my room, once I was there I noticed that the other three were still stumbling around the room trying to find their clothes.

So I decided to study my roommates, Alex looked around 11 he had brown curly hair and a beat down expression with dark chocolate eyes he kind of reminded me of Leo. Sean, on the other hand, looked around 15 with the same beatdown expression but didn't seem to be making much of an effort to get up at all, he had dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. Liam looked around nine or ten he had dark brown hair and light green eyes and now that I think of it all three boys had the same beat down expression, an expression that I had always seen on the homeless people in New York when walking home.
I decided to go downstairs, so I got up and was about to open the door when Sean said:" Hey, newbie, I know you only got here two days ago but we have to wait till Ms.Hill comes up to get us". I looked at Sean gratefully and replied "thanks I'm still getting used to this" I then returned to my bed and sat on the thin mattress hugging my knees close to my chest.

I hated being vulnerable, but after talking I had realized just how small I was. I know, hey Percy your seven now! Of course, you're small! But I noticed that even for a seven-year-old I was below average height. I missed towering over other, being the strong seeming almost fearless hero who slew monsters with his mighty sword Riptide. Wait, Riptide! I stuck my hand In my jean pocket and felt the familiar feeling if my ballpoint pen. At least I still had my weapon, it's nice to have a sense of familiarity in an unfamiliar world.

As I finished thinking I noticed that Alex and Liam had finished getting dressed and Sean had just started. Liam looked at me and Alex before saying "so are yall excited!" Alex just nodded a little and said "it will be cool to meet him but we all know that the chances of any one of us getting picked are low" Liam just said "I know but still it will be cool to meet other people instead of you three" Alex glanced at me and said " What about you Perseus? You look like a Wayne boy to me" I gave him a weird look and said," what do you mean?" Alex just replied "ya know raven black hair and blueish greenish eyes" I then made a mental note on how Mr. Wayne and the Wayne boys must appear "oh, I guess, but like you said the chances are slim and it's only three months. I also don't know if it would be best, they would probably want a less broken kid then me" I said looking down.

Alex was about to respond when Ms. Hill came in, she looked around the room and said "ok, dumblins, Mr. Wayne will be here in an hour, please follow me down stairs everyone else is already down" She turned around and motioned us to follow, Alex and Liam scrambled out quickly. Sean was following behind when he noticed I was still on my bed, he looked down at me and offered his hand for me to hold. Being the demigod I was I hesitated but then remembered that I was also currently a seven year old boy. So I accepted his hand and he guided my small body downout the door and down the flights of creeking stairs.
When we reached the last floor he guided me toward a group of two boys who were talking to Alex and looked around Liams age, speaking of Liam he was talking to two girls that looked around 13 and Sean signaled to two kids that were around his age one boy and one girl. Across the room their was another group of kids, I looked at Sean and said "why are their two groups?" he kneeled down to my level and said "well we usually hang out but Ms.Hill is about to talk to us and those are kids whose families still have rights to them or are in court, so the don't qualifie for Mr. Wayne's program. And over here are the kids who don't have any family. Ok?" I looked at him and said "yeah, thanks for clearing that up S" he raises an eyebrow at me and says "S?" I looked at him and responded " Yeah!, a nickname for Sean" he looked at me highly amused before getting back up and turning toward were Ms.Hill had entered the room.

Ms.Hill turned toward the group besides us and said "why don't y'all head up and I will call when we're done" then she turned to us and seemed to let her mask fall and said in a stern voice "As most of you brats know Mr.Wayne is coming in half an hour. All of you must be on your very best behaviour, because if I get even one complaint I will not hesitate to call one of the many gangs and sell you twuirps to them. Now when he gets here he will talk to each of you individually before choosing one of you. I will come to retrieve you when it's your turn and when you are done you will head back up stairs an get any school work that you have not finished done." then she walked out of the room.

I didn't notice I wasn't breathing until Sean put his hands on my shoulder turned me around and said: "Hey, you okay buddy?" I looked at him and started taking deep breaths before nodding my head. Sean still looked a little cautious but decided to introduce me to his friends. He leaned his head over to the girl and said "This is my friends Harper, and then that one next to her is Dalton" I nodded at them, Sean then walked me over to the only couch in the room that was already filled with Alex, Liam and four other kids. So I decided to sit on the carpet up against the couches arm rest, and before I knew it I was dozing off.
Can you blame me? I was seven for gods sake!

~time skip around twenty minutes~

I woke up to Ms.Hill calling my name, I sat up dusted off my jeans and brushed through my hair with my finger before following her out in to another room.
When I walked in there was a tall man with broad shoulders pitch black hair and blue eyes. He was sitting at a table with a note book, he motioned me to sit and said "Hello, Perseus I'm Mr.Wayne why don't you tell me about yourself?"

1255 thousand words later
I hope you enjoyed comment suggestions or somethings or characters you would definitely like to see in the book.
Also I'm curious how do y'all envison Ms.Hill?
Remember to comment if you see an error so I can edit it!

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