Chapter three: "Currently"

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~Percys POV~
I looked at Mr.Wayne debating on what to tell him before I decide with my semi usual intro. "Hi! My full name is Perseus Achilles Jackson, but everyone calls me Percy" And then gave him my signature lopsided grin.
Mr.Wayne gave a small smile before saying " Where did you grow up Percy?" It seemed like a simple question, but I wasn't really sure we're on this earth I had grown up. So like usual, I went with my gut, "Well I've always lived in Gotham for as long as I can remember" Mr. Wayne nodded and said "any disabilities or allergies?" I smiled and replied "yep, I have ADHD and dyslexia" Mr.Wayne wrote that down and said "so what's your favorite color and why so?". I replied with "Well my favorite color is blue, because I love the ocean and swimming!"

~Bruce Wayne's POV~
"Well my favorite color is blue, because I love the ocean and swimming!" I gave him another smile before Ms.Hill walked in and said "are you guys finished or do you need more time" she said sweetly. I gave her a smile and turned to Perseus and said "Well it was nice meeting you Percy, I hope to see you again" Ms.Hill then directed him out before turning around and saying "so who do you think?"

Honestly I wasn't sure they all were great kids but I do feel like some of them wouldn't get along with the boys so I quickly lowered it down to two. One being the first boy who came in named Sean and the other the kind boy Percy. I chose between those two because they both didn't act like I was some supreme king who could murder them at any second. Although Sean would get along I feel like him and Damian would either hate each other or completely ignore each other. Also, Sean looked like a smart boy. A little to smart. Since for now, its only a three month arrangement, I wouldn't want him finding the bat cave.

So I turned to Ms.Hill and said "what about the young boy Perseus?" She gave me a quizzical look and said "well he's a nice boy but still a little traumatized over his mother death last week" my heart softened a little bit, orphans always held a soft spot in my heart. Even though all this moving around might be a little much I also had three boys who went through similar situations so this could benefits young Percys mental health.

I turned to Ms.Hill and said "I will be back around 7:00 to pick up young Perseus" she gave me a slight nod and looked through a drawer before handing me some paper that I had to fill out and return at seven so the Percy could stay at the manor.

Seven may seem like a long time from now but it was already three and I had to return to work. I also have to inform the boys of who I have chosen to stay with us for a little bit. I really hoped it would work out well since Damian and Jason were really adamant about not wanting a fan kid in their house who would touch all their stuff and act like a mini paparazzi.

~time skip to 6:00 pm at the Wayne manor~

I had just gotten back home from my meeting with my main staff at the Wayne enterprise building, when I pulled up to the house and immediately heard the in mistakable yelling of my youngest, Damian and second oldest, Jason.

I wasn't too worried since their arguments accorded regularly and rarely ever got physical. So I just calmly opened up my car door and grabbed my brief case before walking over to the manors doors. Almost immediately after knocking I wanna greeted with pennyworth "Hello, Mr.Wayne, I presume everything went smoothly today?" I gave him a nod and said "Of course today was a great day I do apologize on the boys behalf, you know how they get. Speaking of the boys I must set my stuff in my office but could you please gather them in the main living room for a discussion on our soon to be guest?" Alfred simply gave me a nod and walked off to were I presume the boys were.

After Alfred left I hung up my coat and walked toward my office. Once I Entered my office I set my brief case down and opened it, retrieving the papers that Ms.Hill had gave me, and started filling them out.

I was finishing up on the last paper when pennyworth came in and said "The boys are waiting for you in the main room" I smiled at the man I viewed as a father figure and said "thank you pennyworth" I looked down at my watch and could see it read 6:34 so I finished signing the paper and placed it back in my brief case.

I exited my office and walked the manor halls to the main living room, once I entered I could see the death glares being exchanged between Damian and Jason. I looked between them and said "boys" with a stern look Damian turned toward me and said " T-T Sorry father, Todd's being insufferable again!" Jason looked at him and said "shut up demon! Oh and sorry Bruce".

Richard cut the silence that followed Jason and said "How was the orphanage interview today?" I smiled at him and said "It was great, the orphan that will be joining us for three months is named Perseus Jackson but goes by Percy. He recently lost his mom so I would you all to be kind to him."

Three of the boys nodded in under standing, while Damian simply looked curious and said "How old is he father?" I looked at my youngest and said "He's seven and I will be retrieving him shortly, now I want you three to help Alfred prepare a room"

Richard smiled and elbowed Tim, almost making him spill his coffee in the process and said "what colors Bruce?"

Bruce then said "blue, kind of like the ocean, and remember don't be too extra it's currently only a three mint arrangement"

Damian looked at his father and said "currently?" And only received a knowing smile before Bruce walked out of the room presumedly to retrieve their new guest.

Damians POV~
Damian was still confused when Bruce left and repeated his question to Grayson. "What does he mean by currently Grayson?" Todd chuckled while Drake and Grayson exchanged a knowing look.

He then said "exactly what it sounds like little D" and then they all left to decorate their new guests room.
Leaving behind a very confused Damian Wayne.

~Percys POV~
Me.Hill had came up an hour ago and informed me to pack and that Mr.Wayne was coming to pick me up around 7:00.

It was currently 7:06 and I was waiting down stair with Sean on the couch he was reading me a wierd book about wizards, but then Ms.Hill came in and said "Mr.Wayne is here Percy please be on your best behavior and Sean go on back up stair to make sure Alex and Liam are getting ready for bed. Sean got up and gave me a hug he handed me the book he was reading to me and said "I know you can't read but maybe one of the Wayne's can read it for you" I nodded at him and said "thanks, S" he smiled in return and headed up the old creaking stairs. I got off the couch and unzipped my bag placing the book inside before slinging my backpack over my shoulders.

I followed Ms.Hill in to the same room from yesterday, and there was Mr.Wayne when he caught a glimpse of me he gave me a smile and said "are you ready to go Percy?" I nodded at him feeling a little drowsy. He could probably tell I was sleepy because he gently took my hand and guided me out the orphanage's door and out on to a Gotham side walk. He veered over to a big car that I'm pretty sure Annabeth said we're called Limos and we're drove by rich people or people of importance.

He opened up one of the door and nodded his head telling me it was alright to get in. Once inside I couldn't help but yawn and curl up on the black leather, it smelt nice like pine trees and a dash of cologne. I distantly could see Mr.Wayne enter the driver seat and look back at me as I drifted in to the land of dreams.

Hey I know no one is reading this but at the slim chance you are, please vote so I know that you are here and tell me if you want more details or continuation.

The lives I've written (percy Jackson Batfam cossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz