It's Just A Nightmare

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This story was a request. :)
I hope you enjoy.
Tickler: Mrs. Maheswaran
Ticklee: Steven (14 years old)
Summary: Steven sleeps over at Connie's house and has a nightmare. Mrs. Maheswaran tries to chear him up.
Word count: 1,104

It was a sunny, hot day in Beach City. Steven was sitting on the shore of the ocean watching the sea. He was pretty bored. The gems were all out doing their own thing, and none of his friends were available at the moment.
Then his phone buzzed. He checked it and saw it was a text message from Connie.
Steven smiled wide and quickly opened the message. It read, "Hey Steven! I'm done running errands with my mom, do you wanna come over and hang out? Maybe even spend the night if that's okay." Steven smiled even more. A sleep over with his girlfriend, Connie!
He texted back, "Yes! Okay! Be righ there." He rushed inside to his house and packed a few of his things in a duffle bag. He got onto his bike and rode to Connie's apartment building.

He knocked on her front door. He was a little bit nervous, he had never spent the night at Connie's before. "Hey Steven!" Connie exclaimed when she opened the door. The two of them hugged and Steven was let inside. "Good afternoon, Connie- And Mr. And Mrs. Maheswaran," Steven greeted.
Connie's parents greeted him with friendly hand shakes. "You can  all me Priyanka," Said Mrs. Maheswaran.   "Steven, let's go into the living room and watch the finale of Under The Knife! I've been waiting forever!" Connie grabbed Steven's hand and they rushed to her couch.
They started watching their show when Steven's phone rang. "Oh, sorry Connie. It's the gems I better take this one," Steven said. "Of course, no worries!" Connie smiled.
"Steven!" Pearl called. "Pearl? What's wrong?-- I'm at Connie's house-- She asked me to spend the night so I am- Uh-- What?-- Strange new gem came to Earth?" "Pearl! Steven is having fun. Let him and Connie be. We'll handle this," Garnet said in the background. They hung up. Steven felt uneasy though.
"Sorry, Connie, let's continue to watch," Steven said. After long hours of watching TV, Connie and Steven fell asleep. Steven curled up on one side of the couch and Connie laying on the other end.
"STEVEN!" Shouted a voice. "Huh-?" Steven mumbled. "STEEEVEENN HELLP US!!" Steven whirled his head around. To his dismay, there was a large monster with tentacles. It was carrying Steven's friends and family!! "G-guys?!" Steven stuttered. "Don't worry Steven, you're having fun, we can handle this!" Garnet called out.
"N-no! You're my family! I have to help- Huh?!" A tentacle had wrapped around Steven's legs, and the next thing he knew he was dragged back into Connie's living room, screaming.
"HAAAAAHH!!!" Steven yelled. He was sweating and his heart was racing. He looked over at Connie who was sound asleep, still. He quickly grabbed his duffle bag and stuffed his things in it. "I-I gotta go back-- What if they're in trouble?" He felt hot, his eyes started to flood.

"Connie..? Steven..? What was that noise?" Priyanka asked tiredly. Appearently Steven's scream had awoken Priyanka, because she came down in a long robe.
"Steven, are you okay? What happened?" She seemed genuinely concerned. "O-oh, it's nothing.. I just had a feeling that I need to go home," Steven said, avoiding eye contact.
Priyanka raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?" Steven nodded but then sighed and dropped, "I had a nightmare... Earlier the gems called me and said a new gem had come to Earth! But what if they get hurt- without my powers.."

"Steven, Steven, Steven," Priyanka said, "It is okay. It was just a nightmare. I don't know much about your gem powers and stuff... But I'm sure if they really needed you, they'd have found a way to get in  touch with you. Now, come on chear up." She pulled Steven in for a small hug, but Steven just started to cry more.
"Oh my-" Priyanka didn't know what to do.
Then, Priyanka smirked a bit. She gently wiggled her fingers on Steven's sides. Steven jumped and yelped a tiny bit. "U-uh.. Priyanka.. what are you doing?" Steven asked, fear rising in him. "I cannot have an upset Steven around when my daughter wakes up," Priyanka smirked. "O-oh, um, well I'm actually fine, now," Steven faked a smile.
Priyanka raised an eyebrow, "Mhm.."
Steven backed up as Priyanka got closer. "M-Mrs. Maheswaren- p-please don't! It's embarrassing!" Steven complained. "Oh~ Is it now?" Priyanka grabbed onto Steven's sides and began tickling them.

Steven immediately started laughing, "Ahahahaha!! Priyankahaha nohoho!" "no? No what?" Priyanka teased. "Nonono tickling! Ahahaha!" Steven's laughter grew as Priyanka tickled his stomach and traced fingers around his gem.
"AHAHAHAHAHAAH!! STAHAHAAHP! ENOHOHOUGH!" Steven was starting to lose his composure.
"Tickle tickle Steven~!" Priyanka teased again.
She rapidly began to tickle Steven's armpits and he screamed and kicked and wriggled.
"AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHAA. NOOHOHOH STAHAHAP MRS- PRIYANKA!!! HAHAHA!" Steven didn't want Connie to wake up and see him like this! "What's the matter Steven? Afraid she'll see?"
"YEHEHEHESSS!" Steven shouted as his cheeks slightly began to turn red. "PLEASE STOHOHOP!!" Steven did the only thing he could do left, he attempted to tickle Connie's mother! Connie's mother stopped tickling Steven at once and glared at him deeply into his soul. This made him think twice about his decision. But Steven deserved served justice.
The two of them got into a small tickle fight until they heard Connie stir awake. They immediately got off of each other. "Uh.. I'm.. gonna go to the restroom...." Steven said a little embarrassed. Priyanka nodded.
"Mom..?" Connie asked tiredly, hand on her forehead. "Oh hello sweetie," Priyanka said.
"Where's steven..?"
"He's in the restroom... he had a bit of a nightmare, so I came down to comfort him."
Connie smiled, "Wow, that's really nice of you, thanks mom."
Priyanka smiled too.
"I just had a strange dream, I couldn't see anything... but I heard loud laughter? It was super weird."
Priyanka smirked, "Well~ Maybe it was the tickle monster!"
Priyanka tickled Connie's stomach and Connie giggled and squirmed, "Heheheeh!!  Nonono! Mohohom! Cut it out!"
It just so happened that Steven had come back in time to see this, and he blushed. Connie was just so cute.
"Alright you two, get back to bed. It's too early for breakfast." Priyanka went back upstairs and Steven and Connie watched some more of their fun shows on Netflix on their ipad. 

The end :)

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