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This is a work of fiction.Names,actual persons, business,events or incidents,and places are all product of imaginative mind of the writer or in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead or actual events are purely coincidental.

A girl with a disability met a guy who turned her gloomy world into a brighter one. When everything feels like she was sucked into a black hole. He was there to pull her up. But is saving her, enough to make her fall in love? Or they will just end up nothing.
Brace yourself for this is her not so ordinary story.

A/n: Hi guys!!! This is my first story forgive me for the lame prologue.>.< I am not use to this^_________^. Hope you will like this one. Ps. (Actually some of the parts here in the story are based on true to life.) Enjoy reading..

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