Yay! =3

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Hey Guys! I don't think most of you will read this, but, I just wanna say now that its April 21st
IT'S MY B-DAY >=3 YAAASS! Heh! I'm super excited and just wanted to tell ya'll for some reason. I know most of you won't care about this, but, eh I don't mind if you ignore it. And knowing how peeps are I wanna keep the comments neat so if you have anything to say - good or bad - say it,
Right here ----->
And Yeet, What do I sayz now? Well of course my thank yous!

To Anyone =3 :

To anyone reading this, Thank You so much! You reading this makes me happy because that means people actually care about what I have to say! Your all amazing people! Thank you so much!

To Commeters:

Also to the peeps who comment, Your amazing! You take time to reply to stuff I wrote, which is actually pretty funny at times! So I wanna tell you how awesome you are! So far all I've gotten mostly only positive feedback! Honestly I don't know how, My writing skill are horrible...But thank you so much!

To the voters:

I also wanna say thank you to the people, who may not comment, who vote on my chapters! I had an account before this one with a really long book - the account was deleted sorry - about I think Error Sans? Maybe...But um, I never got any votes on it so getting votes on this story really makes me happy! Your all amazing, so thank you!

To Quiet Beans:

To the silent readers, there no need to be shy! If you got something to say, say it! If its bad feedback I'll try to fix the problem! If its positive, I'll try to reply to it but I may not be able to...(So if I can't get around to replying I apologize!) Thanks so much for reading you quiet little beans! =3

To The Mixed:

Thank you so much for commenting, voting, and whatever else! You peeps are so cool and fun to talk to! Your kind, and considerate! I really love ya'll! I really hope your safe and happy! Thank you!


You guys make my day! Your comments, Your votes, even your views! I can't beleive I'm already at 200+ reads!! That's more than I thought I would get! I really and hoping you safe and healthy right now! Sorry if I'm just bothering you for no reason, but, all of you deserve to know how perfectly amazing you are! I really am glad I don't have haters, just amazing people! I really wanted to say thank you to everyone! So if I missed you and you didn't fit in any of the categories, Thank you! Your so amazing! I love you (Platonically) so much!! Anyway, I'll stop wasting your time now! Bye my perfect Candies~!

- Breanna

Word Count - 492

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