Chapter 7 (That book)

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With a blind fold around her eyes the the young child sat quietly  and the calmness she exuded got her father worried.
"How can she be so calm like that" the mom wondered in nervousness "William what's taking so long?" She almost screams at her husband who gives her an irritated stare.
"Am trying to get a hold of my brother katerega but his not picking up which might mean one thing only." The woman shakes her head at her husband trying to be positive and seriously failing. She tries to say something but she's immediately stopped. "His finally picked up." Her husband wisphers  to her.
"Is everything okay, katerega." William asks his brother.
"No" the man on the other side of the line says as he sobs through the call. "I can't hold it in brother." He continues to sob for a while not knowing each sound of that cry was a cut to the brother's heart.
"His gone William, His gone.......l failed him brother. I failed." The unconsolable cries f his brother continue ringing in his ears making his eyes gleam in tears. He turns and looks at his wife whose staring at him with laser focus and knowingly he nods his head to his wife who loses all strength as she crumbles on to the floor  screaming in fear and pain.
With nothing else to do for his wife, he turns his attention back to his brother. "You didn't fail him." He  tries to console him. " It's this damn curse"

"Am lost brother, l've just lost my son, he killed himself he couldn't take the torture, I couldn't help him as a father, l failed him Wil. We should have beat this godam curse together."

With nothing else to say, he settles for."sorry for your loss."
His brother let's out a bitter laugh."Am not ready to hear those words, but come to me brother l need more than ever."
"I will be right there." He switches off his phone takes a huge breath of courage as he looks down at his weeping wife. He takes her into his arms as his eyes land on his daughter whose playing with her fingers camly. He looks back at his wife.
"Am sorry." He tells her. "Am sorry that you are subjected to this life, just because you love me.l can't even say that everything is going to be alright." He lets out a bitter laugh at that. "Because it's not going to be alright. We have a bigger responsibility now. Look at her, our daughter." His wife turns her eyes to look at their blind folded baby girl
More tears flow from her eyes at their innocent girl. William looking back at his wife says. "We are going to be strong for her and just because what has befallen us left others dead, that doesn't mean it's going to be that death of her."

"What do you mean, Katelega has just lost his son because of that damn curse." She stares deep in her husband's eyes trying to see what is on his mind.

He looks back at their child
"It's because she is our child, she will survive." Giving his wife a final strong hug, he helps her onto her feet, then they head on to where their child is.

They both lower them self's to face their small child on her seat.
"Grace." The mother calls her child as the dad tries to remove the blind fold of her eyes but the girl just continues to clap her her hands as though she hasn't had them.
With a new scare kicking in she speaks her daughter's name again whose now looking at her with deep red eyes. But she just looks back at her mom with a thoughtful look.
"Mom are you trying to say something because l can't hear you, can you speak again."

With her husband's hand now on her left shoulder, she tries to speak again "Grace you will be fine." She says with a trembling voice.
Her daughter frawns."what's wrong mom , l can't hear you, maybe speak loudly." As her mom eyes shade again with fresh tears, "it's strange , l can't hear my self speak." She turns to look at her father. "Can you hear me Dad."
He just nods to her knowing full well she won't hear him.
"William, l can't do this anymore." The woman stands on trembling legs holding onto tears. The husband just looks at her, telling her to be strong but she just shakes her head avoiding her daughter's red eyes. "Just give me a moment." She's says running to the stairs.

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