Chapter 14: Spellcast a Star

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The Spellcast a Star Event

Flashbulbs snapped away as photographers and reporters covered the most exciting news to happen to the Broadway stage. Everyone was talking about it from the waitresses that worked the local cafes and restaurants to the gentlemen that patronized the pubs and jazz speakeasies. From phone operators, to plumbers, construction workers, and delivery milkmen, the word on the street was the Spellcast a Star competition that was happening on the Broadway stage.

Zellon Proscenium became a madhouse with the red carpet spread out to welcome celebrities, movie stars, the wealthy elite, and local artisans to the Morgans' Spellcast a Star event. Langston spared no expense with security covering all accesses of the building and local law enforcement guarding the perimeter.

Inside the building, madness backstage occurred. Candidates made last minute preparations with their wardrobe and set designs before the start of the show. The orchestra pit tuned their instruments while Joanna and her husband Langston rushed back and forth from the stage to the audience ensuring everything rang smoothly.

In the audience, Dolen Adlin, his sister Adriana, and her lover Cassidy sat in their best attire waiting for production to begin. Back in the wings, Samuel barked orders to the stage crew just before show time. Even Hugh became stressed, helping each of the finalists into their elaborate gowns with little Meggie assisting with zipping them up. Back in the lobby, armed guards watched over the metal voting box making sure that the ballots were not tampered with.

The orchestra began to play just as the curtain rose. Joanna Morgan, wearing a gorgeous evening gown, addressed her audience who applauded her the moment she came on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for attending Spellcast a Star. You are all in for a treat tonight for one of these lovely ladies will get an opportunity to be cast in our upcoming musical Spellbound!"

Cheers rang out from the audience. Applause rang out from the bottom audience pit to the second tiered balcony. Excitement filled the air.

"Their fates will be decided by you, the audience, as your votes will be cast for your favorite leading lady tonight. Once the ballots are tallied, a winner will be decided on who will be playing the lead role of Titania in our upcoming production of Spellbound!"

More claps, whoops, and cheers came from the audience. Joanna continued.

"Who knows which one will be the lucky victor tonight, but rest assured you alone will choose our next Broadway star!" The audience roared. "Without further ado, let us begin! I give you Spellcast a Star!"

Music swelled as the audience applause slowly diminished. From their seats Dolen, Adriana and Cassidy observed the spectacle, while remaining vigilant at the possibly Gabriel Babbage might make an appearance.

"You don't think this Gabriel might try something?" Adriana whispered to her brother.

"Hopefully not," Dolen replied. "But Langston has security around the perimeter, and I have a few of our guys seated around the around the theater. This Gabriel tries anything, we'll be ready for him."

"In the meantime," Cassidy suggested. "Let's enjoy the show."

The curtains rose as dancers, background singers, and set pieces flew across the stage. One by one each aspiring starlet performed their routine to the approval of a handful of applause. Each finalist brought something to the table, upping the ante just a tad by making their performance stand out from the last competitor.

Helen Ashby sang Dancing on the Ceiling by Richard Rodgers and performed a tap dance number. Langston Morgan was right in his assessment of Helen. The woman was a bundle of energy. She was exhausting to watch and made a better choice for the tap-dancing show Hot Steppin'. She just was not right for the role of Titania.

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