3: In My Dreams

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Usually, I fell into slumber as soon as my head hit the pillow but tonight it seemed impossible. I tossed and turned. Thoughts of the previous day at the bridge with Nas haunted me.

Her voice echoed in my mind.

There was agony and remorse in her words when she spoke about Robin. She seemed so vulnerable but determined at the same time.

I almost kissed her!

How could I not?

She had a striking beauty. Her completely flawless skin was rich in melanin. She had bright angelic eyes, perhaps it is her inner beauty that lit her eyes. Her lips were amazingly full and finely curved. She was of medium height and had a breathtakingly curvaceous body. Everything about her was. . . Beautiful.

When she smiled you could not help but smile along with her. To be in her company was to feel you too were someone.

That might be the last time you get that close to her, you asshole. I immediately pushed that thought off my mind, fuck!

I could not control myself. There was something powerfully irresistible about her. I tried so much not to make a move on her but failed miserably. I screwed up and I needed her to trust me.

I did not want her thinking I'm one of those bastard who was just after her pants. I desperately needed to earn her trust. Which meant what? pursue her?

I was now treading on new territories. I needed to tread softly and carefully.

I would do anything to earn this woman's trust. Even if I had to cut my lungs out.

You are Micheal Chambers. Micheal Chambers never chases a woman. Women chase Micheal Chambers. A thought run in my mind. Well, she was not just some woman she was Nasieku. Does her name have some meaning behind it?

I woke up to the sound of my buzzing phone at the nightstand beside my bed. I was always known to be an early bird but looking at the time, damn! I had overslept.

"Fuck!" I groaned. I had a terrible headache. Thoughts of Nas had tormented me all night long. Her eyes, those eyes fucking haunted me in my dreams.

Reluctantly I dragged my ass to the shower to rid her of my fucking mind, before heading to the gym. The cold shower had tried to somewhat relax my fucking mind but not for too long. Her eyes were plastered in the back of my mind.

"Fuck!" I snorted as I strode out of my apartment into the damn elevator.

The gym was located five blocks from the apartment, my phone buzzed in my pocket as I jogged down.

*Wassup dude? *

Another text from Roy my roommate.

I did not bother texting back. He can kiss my ass.

He was my workmate and my friend for that matter. He was white with curly blonde hair and was well built, just a little shorter than me. We had been working together for six years now. We were more work buddies than friends.

Some minutes later I made it to the gym, I immediately scanned the room for her but there was no sign of her.


"Good morning buddy?" Roy greeted.

I did not spare him a glance. I was filled with frustration and my head was throbbing like shit.

I went straight to working out. I was already in a foul mood. I did not get enough sleep and was now trying to explore my ideas on how to get Nas to trust me.

"Dude are you on your periods or what?" He asked eyeing me closely.

"No, I missed them dickhead. I think I'm pregnant." I answered harshly. The guy working out close to me groaned, ready to say something but decided against it, I wish he did.

Roy moved closer his eyes full of concern. "Relax buddy, what's up?"


I thought of slamming his head against the wall to relieve my anger and frustration.

"Where is Nas today?" I asked him.

"Are you fucking serious? We live together, I just left the house twenty minutes earlier than you. How the fuck would I know where she is?"

"You talk too much. I meant did she show up at all?"

"No, haven't seen her. You were with her yesterday, you should know better. Don't tell me you weren't able to even get her number" He chuckled like the idiot he is.

"I have her number you asshole."

"Call her then."

"What? Are you stupid or something?"

"What's her number for, if you can't call her?"

"You are more stupid than I thought," I said, my gloved fists connecting with the punching bag.

"Fuck you! Where did you guys go anyway?"

"To a stupid bridge."

He burst out laughing.

"What? That's hideous."

"I know," I said and my frustration by the thought of it.

"How was it anyway?"

"That woman, we underestimated her dude. I think she is more than what meets the eye." I said with a serious tone.


"There is this intense look in her eyes that I cannot decipher. I think she knows something."

"Is that not the reason you accompanied her to that stupid bridge, to ascertain all that she knows?." He asked as he continued with his workout.

I rubbed my hand on the forehead, "It's not that easy, she is different."

He chuckled.

"Maybe your charm did not affect her to spill the beans." He blurted out. "Wait, perhaps you charmed her too much, she got turned on she forgot even her name."

"Fuck off." I scoffed closing my eyes and images of her clogged my mind.

I was not easily affected by women. Women threw themselves at me. I had money and was good looking, isn't that what women wanted?

I just slept with them and dropped them like yesterday's shit. I did not have time for relationship and commitments, I made that crystal clear to them from the word go.

I was committed to my work.

"Just fix this bro before we find ourselves drowning in deep shit." Roy pointed out.

"I will," I assured him as I continued with my work out.

"Make sure you do, Scorpion," he called out.

Scorpion was my gang name, Roy's was Python.

"Fuck! Don't call me that here asshole, unless you want to blow our cover." I warned.

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