Chapter 3

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It is now noon. Everyone is here, except for Darry. The only difference is that I am not in my room writing about my love for Johnny. I am not playing poker with the boys. Johnny, is teaching me his secrets to poker, and how to play. Darry doesn't really like me playing Poker, but since he is not here to stop us, they are going to teach me.

I sit on the end of the table next to Johnny, so no one can see what he is doing except for me. He first taught me how to deal the cards, told me what a forced, blind, and/or ante bet was, told me what a fold was, and which cards were good. Once I got the hang of it, Johnny really put me to the test, after he had one 2 rounds in a row, and had me play for him. He helped me out the first round, which I had lost. And the second one, he had me play by myself, and surprisingly, I won. And since I lost the first round, they all made bigger bets. And I won it all. So I split the prize with Johnny.

We then sat on the couch and watched Mickey. It was a really relaxing day. Johnny and I took up one couch, Dally on the loveseat, and Pony and Two-Bit on the floor. Johnny got bored, so we were just talking the whole time. I guess Dally got uncomfortable and "cleared" his throat so we would stop talking. It did not work, because we just laughed, and talked even more. He was disappointed, but it's ok.


I was getting bored of watching Mickey, so I was listening to what Johnny and Sadie were talking about, and I noticed Johnny was getting flirty with her. So I cleared my throat to make him stop, they just looked at me, and laughed and kept talking. I raised my eyebrows, since Johnny knew why I was doing this. And Johnny just kept laughing. So I was kind of disappointed, but I mean, he was happy. And that's all I want for him. To be happy. His parents were abusive, he is bullied at school, and the only family he knows is us. So for him to have Sadie is important to me.


It was getting late, and Johnny had to go home. As he was leaving, he kissed me on the forehead and said goodbye. I watched him walk away. I was sad, but not that sad since I would see him tomorrow.

I joined Pony on the roof. "You're late. You almost missed it." He said laughing.

"Sorry, man. I was saying bye to Johnny."

"He isn't staying tonight?"

"He can't."


We just sat there, until Soda saw us and said, "You guys are gonna fall off that roof, and I'll be laughing real hard if it is you, Pony."

The funny thing is, is that Pony almost fell off of the roof when Soda said that because he got scared. I grabbed his arm so he wouldn't fall. Then me and Soda were just laughing. Pony rolled his eyes playfully and sighed. He walked me to my room.

"Night, Sadie."

"Good night, Pony."

I didn't sleep well that night. I woke up at 2 a.m. from a nightmare, again. I walked downstairs and saw Darry sitting at the table. He saw me and asked, "Hey, Sadie. Another nightmare?"

"Yes. I was wondering if I can take a quick walk outside? I promise I will come back."

He was hesitant, but said sure.

I quickly grab my leather jacket and put on some boots. I step outside, and it isn't that cold. I eventually reach downtown, it's only 5 minutes away from our house, and as I am walking, I hear sirens coming my way. I put my head down, and walk normally. I then hear footsteps coming up behind me. I turn around and see a tall man, with cold green eyes and brown hair running after me. He grabs the collar of my jacket and says, "I'm real sorry, ma'am." And he runs off. I hear the sirens getting closer. I point in the direction he went in, but the cops stop. Come out of their cars with their guns out, telling me to get on the ground, and to take out the gun.

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