Chapter 6

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A Few Weeks Later

Soda calls me, and tells me that we are going to hold a celebration since Sadie finally is able to get out of the hospital, and that I am invited.

I go over to their house. Darry is out of the house because he is going to pick Sadie up from the hospital. While he is gone, Soda teaches me how to bake chocolate cake. Which contains A LOT of sugar, and it is surprisingly good.

We all hear Darry's truck pulling in from the driveway. That's when Soda tells everyone to go in the living room, so when Sadie walks in, we can attack her with hugs.

She walks in limping, and Two-Bit and Steve are the first ones to attack her, and she falls over. Darry walks in and yells at them. I start giggling. Sadie sees me, and hugs me tightly.

At the end of the celebration, I call Soda over to the backyard, so I can tell him my progress. "Guess what, Soda?"


"I am allowed to publish the book, as long as I use the name S.E. Hinton."

"That's great! Did you start yet?"

"Not yet, I can start in a few months."

"That's great Susan. I'm glad you're doing this."

Soda pulls me into a big hug, and that's when I can look at him properly. He had dark brown hair, almost black, that was smeared with grease, and friendly eyes that seemed to vary between the colors of hazel, green, and blue. He had a smile that was somewhere in between playful and mischievous.

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