Chapter 1: "Waking Up to Darkness"

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The Abyss  

Somewhere deep down in the ruins of the Abyss, a creature lay in a pile of what she will come to learn are her creator's failed experiments. Lying still, but breathing, small stirring could be made out from the black and white figure coming to consciousness, slowly making sense of the world around her. Here is where her story begins...

 Here is where her story begins

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[???] P.O.V.

          Pain. I woke up to feel every inch of my wretched body aching as if I fell from the sky or something. As I began to sit up I try to make sense of my surroundings. Everything seemed to be dark, gloomy, and gray. My head looked down at the ground to notice I was laying in a landfill of broken skulls and bones. Feeling my chest tighten a bit, I decided to look up at the sky above me... Or what should be considered the sky. It was black, just pure black. No clouds. No sun. No living creature fluttering about.
          Aware that I must have been alone, I started to further examine my own vessel. My hands seemed to be white until they reached my elbows, same for my legs. The white traveled up my legs to my kneecaps, touching the border of black. I started to slowly feel for my head. The hard skull felt cold against my hands, with two long antennae protruding from either end of it. Feeling around some more, I felt another hole-like shape on my face. Confused, being as I can only see through two holes on my face, I didn't get what the extra hole on my face was for. Maybe there was a reason for it that was unknown to me at the moment. After fixating on that small feature to my alien shaped face, my eyes traveled down to my body. My whole body was blacker than the 'sky' above me, aside from my skull and some parts of my arms and legs.
          As I finally got an idea of what my body was like, I decided it was time to get up and journey around the area I seemed to have been birthed in. I decided it was best to take it slow when getting up, due to how these will be my first steps ever and my body was still aching pretty badly from the supposed fall I had.
          I placed my hands on the ground and slowly pushed myself up on both feet, my body feeling as if there was an invisible ton of rocks weighing on my shoulders preventing me from standing. When I was finally standing, I felt my legs wobbling quite badly and I almost lost balance twice. As I went to go and take my first step, I fell forwards and landed face first into the remains. After groaning loudly to myself, I decided to get up and try again. This process repeated itself for an interim until I was finally able to figure out how to walk. By the end, I felt as if my face went through more torture than my body had.
          As I wandered around the land I was in, I noticed that there was a large number of corpses lying around on the ground I was walking on. The constant crunching of half decayed or mostly decayed bones below my feet, caused me to feel queasy and nauseous with every step I took. This, however, still did not stop me from journeying through this foreign place.
          As I ventured farther, I came across black, murky pools which had aggressively thrashing tendrils and claws inside that seemed to be a similar color to my black skin. I sat pensively for a while, wondering if this was what possibly I was made or even birthed from. I concluded that it was most likely not safe for me to walk through the angry black tar-like creature, and decided to go around it instead.

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