Chapter 2: "So Much White...?"

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White Palace

Pale King's P.O.V.

           Today was supposed to be my day off from doing my experiment on creating a Pure Vessel to help seal the Radiance away and protect the Kingdom of Hollownest from her and her Infection, but instead, I found myself being summoned by my Royal Retainers of the lighthouse at the Voided River. They said there was a "disturbance" or "intruder" that made its way into the Abyss below.
          After hurriedly finishing up my Delicate Flower tea, I made my way over to the Abyss as fast I could, annoyed at the disturbance of my calm and relaxing afternoon. When I arrived at the door to the Abyss, I saw some of the Retainers standing there gossiping amongst each other about the situation. Once they all saw me coming, they stopped to look over at me and give a quick bow while saying "Your Highness" almost all simultaneously.
          Once done, one of them ran up to me and said with an excited tone to her voice.
          "We caught her sir! She did try to escape us, but since she is skinny and weak she couldn't. There also were more of us then there was of her, making it nearly impossible for her to get away," one of my small and short female Retainers exclaimed with glee.
          "Oh yeah! She was pretty skinny, but man could she fight back. There was definitely a lot of energy in her. Haha! I think she is out cold at the moment though," the other slightly chubbier male Retainer added through his deep, hoarse voice.
           My interest in what my fellow followers had found was definitely piqued, causing me to rush by them and pushing a few of them aside just so I could open the entrance and see what was on the other side. I stood by the door and allowed the King's Brand to work its magic on the giant door.
          I always wore it around my neck wherever I went so no one could access these areas of the kingdom except me and those who worked for me or a few that I deemed worthy of being allowed access to this area. The King's Brand was a charm that was white with four horns, similar to the ones on my head, sticking out with all pointing inwards. The charm also had this pitch fork shape to it, or something similar to a torch, depending on how one would view it. The charm hung from a box chain made from Fine silver.
          I watched as the charm lit up with a very bright white glow to it that in turn signalled the King's Brand marking on the door to slowly light up in a similar manner as well. The door slowly creaked open, causing the earth to rumble below us all as if a massive earthquake was about to occur. Once the door had finally opened, I stepped through into the Abyss.
          Walking through, I saw that all my fellow Retainers were creating an arch around this creature laying on the ground. I saw from a distance that its chest was moving. I assumed this creature must have been knocked out earlier by my followers. I inched forward little by little to get a better look at the being. Once I noticed what the creature was, the feeling of shock and panic spread through every fiber of my being.
          I rushed over to the helpless thing on the ground, pushing my fellow Retainers to the side carelessly. I could tell she was suffering from some severe head trauma due to most likely being tossed to the ground without a care in the world. Anger started to bubble up inside of me and I stood up, looking at all my all my workers with a face of rage and frustration.
          "Do you guys... even realise what you have almost done?!" I yelled angrily as my Monarch Wings extended out sharply after having finished my last word. I watched as my Royal Retainers all at once took several steps back in fear of what I might do next if they even so much as looked at me wrong.
          "W-We're s-s-s-sorry your h-highness... W-We didn't think s-s-he was of any importance t-to you..." One of the Retainers who stood with his head down and feet shuffling on the floor stammered out fearfully.
           "Yeah! W-we didn't k-k-know s-sir!" Another male stated in defense behind one of his fellow peers.
           "You buffoons nearly have killed a specimen that I have created to help to protect this Kingdom from the Radiance and her rampant Infection! Do you guys even realize how vital this creature is, and you all just drag her around like she is some discarded object that you can kick around with your pals?!" I shouted loudly with anger, my frustration brewing even hotter in the pit of my stomach. Despite having pale colored skin, I almost felt as if my skin was going to burst into red flames from the amount of indignance and rage I felt inside of me.
          I continued my scolding a little longer and then ordered them to leave and go back to the post where they belonged. I took a deep breath in and then let out an exasperated sigh, hoping most of the anger would let itself out into the dampen and gloomy air of the Abyss. After having taken for more deep and well concentrated breaths, I made my way over to the still unconscious figure.
          I knelt down a bit to get a better look at her and check her pulse to make sure she was still alive. After having checked and confirmed she was most definitely still living, I was able to say with utmost certainty she was definitely a creation of mine due to the oddly skull shaped head I would give to all my experiments. I noticed she also had similar white features on her forearms and legs. She was a little taller than most vessels I had made as well. If I had to take an estimate on her height, it was most likely 4-5 feet and she probably weighed roughly 100-110 pounds. Her skin was a very rich and dark black that oozed with those small black particles which would float around the Abyss and disperse in some parts of the Kingdom.
          Slowly but carefully, I slid my arms under her so I could pick her up and take her back to the castle to be nursed back to health. Gently lifting her up from the ground, I turned and walked out of the Abyss back to my palace. There I found a room in the highest part of the castle where I placed her down gently on the bed. I grabbed the white silk sheets and silver quilt comforter and covered her up with it.
          Before leaving the room, I took one last look at her from over my shoulder and sighed a heavy sigh of relief knowing that she was now in a safe place and would be in good hands. Once leaving I had one of my female Retainers to fetch the sleeping patient a warm meal for when she would wake up.

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