An Odd Feeling

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      It was a bright, sunny day when Todoroki Shoto left his house to head to school. U.A was his dream school, a place he could be a hero, his own hero. Away from his abusive father and broken home. He was thankful for the opportunity to go to such a prestigious academy everyday of his life. The walk to school was relatively short and with the weather being so nice, what more could he ask for? His thoughts lingered on the day's upcoming events. He had a full day of classes and he was dreading the like like fo homework he would have to do after school. He was excited, though, to see his friends. Maybe they'd even go out and do something after classes. All was fine on his walk, but something very odd happens when he arrived at his destination. When Todoroki reached the school gates, a sudden flare up of heat and cool erupted from both sides of him. No fire or ice was physically produced, but he felt the two sides of his body fighting against him. His head swam and his body swayed dangerously. He thought he was going to pass out right there on the ground. Although, that didn't happen. Just as suddenly as the episode came onto him, it left, leaving him feeling rattled, but otherwise perfectly normal. He stood there for a second taking deep breaths to stabilize himself once more.
     What in the world was that? He thought, his thoughts running a mile a minute. Todoroki had only felt that odd sensation a few times in his life. When he was sick. But that didn't make sense. He had a pretty solid immune system and his body could regulate temperature fairly well because of his icy hot quirk. He also hadn't been sick in such a long time, so why now? Todoroki shook his head, telling himself that he couldn't possibly be sick. Besides, it was only a small outburst, hardly lasting more than a few seconds. He summed it up to a weird fluke and headed inside the building. Despite usually being one of the first people in class, he came storming in just before the bell rang. This oddity garnered some confused looks from his classmates, but after Mr. Aizawa began homeroom, the attention shifted away from himself.
     Todoroki felt pretty alright now that he was in school, sure there was some lingering uneasiness from that morning's outburst, but overall things were going smoothly. He also got a nice surprise when Midoriya invited him to sit with him at lunch today. Of course, he was always welcome to sit with them any day, but Midoriya could sense that something was slightly off about him and wanted to be comforting. He appreciated it nonetheless. By the end of class, Shoto was feeling pretty sleepy, but he hustled off to finish his other classes before lunch with minimal issues. When lunchtime came around, he was definitely ready to eat some nice cold soba and sit with his friends. After becoming friends with Midoriya and the others, Todoroki became more comfortable with his surroundings and was able to open up more. He would join in on talking with everyone more often and would even take part in some of the fun games they would play. He felt more at home here than anywhere else. Although today, not feeling quite himself, wanted to be a bit quieter and reserve his energy.
     The day's classes felt really draining, so Shoto was a little shaky at the moment. He sat down next to Tenya at the lunch table and Midoriya and Uraka joined them on the opposite side. Everyone was really excited that today's weather was amazing, so they wanted to plan something fun to do. Todoroki zoned out a bit during this time and just focused on eating his soba. He seemed to have missed some important details, though, so when Uraraka asked him if he could go, he was clueless.

"Oh-sorry. I was kinda spaced out. What are you guys planning?"

"We're gonna have a picnic! We're going to the park by my house to play some card games and maybe train a bit. Wanna come?" Uraraka exclaimed, beaming her usual sunny smile.

"Um...I might have to pass. I should really get home and finish my homework." Todoroki lied. Surprisingly, their teachers didn't give them too much homework tonight. He really didn't know if he should go out because of the flare up. It could've been nothing, but he didn't want to fall ill on their outing.

"Aww! Please! We can fit in some time for homework while we're there. Trust me, if Tenya-kun can take some time off, so can you." She giggled, glancing towards Tenya.
    Todoroki attempted a smile, but he was afraid it can off more as a grimace. He turned his head to Midoriya who had been surprisingly quiet for the past minute or two. He was starting at Shoto with a concerned look on his face. Of course, Todoroki though to himself, Can't hide much from the master of worry and friendship.
The two locked eyes for a moment, and Todoroki  looked away. Midoriya didn't flinch though, he looked serious.

"Todoroki-kun. Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. Just a bit sleepy is all," he figured he should continue a bit more, "Are you?"

"Oh I'm fine!" Midoriya blushed slightly, "Sorry, you just seemed a little quiet. You look a little pale too." At this, the others around him drew their attention to his face. He blushed at the unwelcome attention.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." He managed a smile. Luckily, Midoriya seemed to return to normal afterwards. Shoto decided he better speak up a bit more as to avoid suspicion. He just made all of these new friends, he didn't want them to worry about him needlessly. 
  After telling the group that he'd think about joining them in their outing, he dismissed himself from the table. He went to the bathroom and waited there for a few moments. He felt worse than he had earlier. He was sweating and his body was shaking.  He looked at himself in one of the mirrors and he looked pretty awful. His hair was disheveled and his face lost some color, leaving his scar looking more vivid than ever. Thankfully, he was only going to be in school for a little bit more.  He just had to wait it out a little bit longer. He attempted to fix his hair and ran some water on his face. Just then, the door to the bathroom opened and non other then Bakugo, the last person a sick Todoroki would want to see, sauntered into the room. The two met one another's gaze for a moment until king explosion murder spoke up.
  "What are you looking at half and half bastard?"

"Nothing." Shoto did not feel like arguing today so he began to walk away.

"Don't ignore me Icy hot! You look awful by the way. What, someone step on your pride?" Bakugo sneered, but the insult felt insincere. Possibly a hint of worry laced in his words. Todoroki didn't answer, but he was able to leave the bathroom without further interruption. He didn't hate Bakugo, but even on a normal day he was still a handful. He made his way towards class as lunch was likely just ending. He was the first one there, so he quietly took hit seat at the back of the room. He sat there shivering for a couple of minutes before he heard footsteps making their way down the hall. Expecting to see the teacher stepping into the classroom, he was surprised when a flurry of fluffy green hair walked into the room. Midoriya smiled at Shoto and walked over to him.

"Hey. I'm sorry about earlier, I know you don't like a lot of attention being out on you,  it I wanted to make sure you were alright."

At the moment, Shoto could only manage a nod. With Midoriya's appearance, he felt at ease but tense as well. His body wanted to be swept up by the warmth he was feeling towards Midoriya, but he felt fearful that he might worry his friend. Or worse, get sick all over him. Before he could say anything, his body gave an all too familiar jerk. His head went fuzzy and the scene before him swirled madly. A violent storm overtaking him. The image of Midoriya's terrified face and the classroom faded from view and his body began falling. He realized though, that he was not on the floor, but in a pair of strong arms. Ice and heat filled his insides and sickened him, he fought the urge to throw up. He tried to focus on what was happening, but his vision blurred. He felt a gust of wind whipping through his hair for a few moments until it came to a sudden stop. He heard a door open and close. He was laid on something soft and he felt someone prodding his arm. Along with his vision being fuzzy, his ears stopped working correctly too. He was too sleepy and uncomfortable to worry about it though. He could feel himself falling into a uneasy sleep as darkness consumed him and his thoughts because muffled. The last thing he felt was a cool hand on his own before he was whisked away into dreams.

Todoroki sick! // Tododeku fluffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang