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     After Todoroki had been settled into one of the beds in the nurse's office, Midoriya pulled up a chair beside him and gripped his friend's hand. He was shocked when todoroki collapsed in the classroom looking so sickly. His body felt unnaturally hot on his left and horribly cold on his right. Midoriya managed to race Todoroki to the nurse right after he fell, but he still felt horrible for what had happened. I knew there was something wrong with him today! Midoriya thought,  If I had just listened to my gut and pulled Todoroki aside during lunch, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Midoriya buried his face in his hands.

     Recovery girl, knowing Midoriya all too well from his own countless injuries, put a comforting hand on his shoulder. She then began asking him about what had happened. He told her everything that he knew: he told her about Todoroki acting strangely all day and how he had collapsed in the classroom. Unfortunately, that was as much as he knew. Midoriya felt useless as he sat there waiting for any sign that his friend was alright. He had always admired Todoroki and felt very strongly towards him, perhaps more strongly than he'd like to admit. He wanted to protect him...he wanted to always be there for him. He reached out and swept back Todoroki's sweaty bangs. He just had to wait.

     Recovery girl told him that due to the extent of his illness, she wouldn't be able to cure him in one fell swoop. The strain on his already weakened body wouldn't be be too much for him. She reassured Midoriya that Todoroki would be fine though and forced him to go back to class. Reluctantly, he got up from his seat and defeatedly walked out of the office.

     Luckily, he had only missed around fifteen minutes of class. He handed a note from the nurse over to his teacher and went to his seat in between Uraraka and Lida. The two looked at him in concern, quietly sharing glances with one another. Midoriya couldn't pay attention at all during class. When the teacher called on him to answer an easy question about hero law, he could only stare blankly back, muttering an 'I don't know'. The teacher didn't press him on the matter too heavily, sensing something off. His classmates, knowing the usual bubbly Midoriya, drew their attention to him. Bakugo scoffed loudly and Kirishima kicked him, telling him off. The class prepared for a classic Bakugo freak out, but surprisingly he stayed seated and quiet. Apparently, according to Uraraka, word of Todoroki's illness leaked out when one of their classmates saw Midoriya sprinting to the nurse with the latter in his arms. Looked like everyone was feeling at a loss with the news. No one expected their extremely strong and stoic classmate to fall ill.

     When class ended, people filed out into the halls. Lida, Uraraka, and Midoriya walked down to the nurse's office to check on their icy hot friend. When they arrived, Todoroki looked at little better than before, but still rather pale and sickly. He was awake and blushed furiously as they came in. Midoriya resumed his seat in the chair by the bed and stared at his friend. Todoroki mustered a small smile at him.

"How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm alright. Sorry for the worry."

"Todoroki-kun..." Midoriya trailed off. He was worried sick for him. "Why didn't you say you weren't feeling well earlier?"

"To be honest, I... didn't want to worry anyone. Guess that kinda backfired, huh?"

"Yeah you could say that." Midoriya chuckled quietly.

Before they could talk anymore, Recovery girl came into the room. She told Todoroki that he was alright enough to leave for the day, but that someone should look out for him at home. At this, Todoroki's eyes darkened slightly, as if realizing that he would have to go home and deal with his family. Midoriya didn't know everything about Todoroki's family, but he knew that he didn't really live in a happy house. He couldn't imagine-didn't want to imagine-what happened there on a daily basis. Quickly, Midoriya piped up and offered for Todoroki to stay at his place. He was reluctant to say yes at first, but Midoriya's insistence wore him down and he agreed. Uraraka and Tenya excused themselves and left the two of them alone in the room. Todoroki slowly got dressed and walked out of the Nurse's office, thanking Recovery girl on his way out. They walked down the halls and out of the school silently. Midoriya had to shorten his pace to remain next to his friend, clearly still weakened from his cold. After another few minutes of walking, Midoriya had an idea.



"Do you want me to carry you back to my house? You could ride on my back and I could get us there in about a minute."

"Oh-sorry was I taking a while?"

"No! No! That's not it!" Midoriya quickly explained, flustered, "I just know that you aren't feeling well and I wanted to make sure you kept some of you energy so you could heal! Sorry I didn't mean to imply anything, I just want to make sure you-"

"Midoriya-kun! It's okay really!" Todoroki smiled, cutting off the latter, "Sure, why not?"

Midoriya smiled at him and lowered himself so Todoroki could climb on. Because he was so tall, carrying Todoroki felt a little awkward, but they made it back to his house in no time. Midoriya's mom was still at work, so when they got in, he had Todoroki go straight upstairs to lay down.

Todoroki sick! // Tododeku fluffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu