Board games and movies

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^^picture is not my art, it belongs to the rightful owners^^

Usually, Todoroki would have never even considered being cared for like this, but he felt sicker than he ever had before. He also didn't want to have to face his father while he was in this condition. Izuku instructed him to lay down on the bed and went off to grab some water and food. Todoroki did as was instructed; he didn't want to cause any more trouble. He glanced around Midoriya's room. Pictures of All Might and other heroes were plastered around the room. Figurines and notebooks lay untidily on the desk next to an open laptop. Cute, he thought. The green haired boy reentered the room with a tray brandishing various snack foods and a thing of water. He placed the tray down on his night stand and took a seat at the desk. Todoroki was very tired and wanted to sleep, but he thought it would be rude to just doze off when his friend was still awake. Luckily, Izuku seemed to be thinking something similar.

"Shoto-kun, you can sleep." Midoriya smiled, "I know you need to."

Todoroki blushed as he heard his first name being used. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! I wouldn't be properly taking care of you if I kept you awake, would I?"

"Thanks..." Todoroki closed his eyes and relaxed into the bed. It felt very odd to be sleeping in Izuku's room. He had been over his house only a few other times, so suddenly now sleeping in his bed felt strange. Although, he was sure that the strange feeling wasn't bad. It felt nice being taken care of for once in his life. He was extremely grateful that he had such a kind friend. He blushed a little thinking about him. No one had ever shown him such kindness other than his mother. Midoriya was definitely someone special...someone he should hold on to and protect. Of course, he was the one being protected at the moment. He drove his thoughts to the back of his mind, he was too tired to think about those things. He emptied his mind and just focused on the warm feeling he had. The warm feeling that came with knowing someone was there to support you, to show you kindness. Finally, he was able to fall asleep.

By the time he woke up, the sun had just begun to set and Izuku was not in the room. He looked at a clock sitting on the night stand beside him and saw that it was already 6:30. Todoroki propped himself up on his elbows and gradually sat up. His body was still tired, but his mind was awake, wondering where his friend had gone off to. He pulled out his phone to check and see if he had any new messages. He had one from his sister and another from Midoriya. His sister had texted him saying that she had heard about Todoroki falling ill at school and wanted to check on him. Midoriya texted him that he was downstairs with his mom and to come down when he had woken up if he felt up to it. He responded to his sister with an "I'm fine" and was about to head for the door when it opened, revealing Izuku and his mother.

"Oh hey! You're awake!" Midoriya smiled, "I'm glad, I was getting kind of worried."

"Hello dear! I'm glad to see you're up. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard so much about you from Izuku." Inko Midoriya said. Izuku blushed. Todoroki stood up and bowed, saying his greetings as well.

"Oh-no need to be so formal Todoroki-kun." Inko smiled, "Let me know if you boys need anything, I'll be downstairs."
Mamamidoriya left and Izuku walked over to where Todoroki was sitting. He reached his hand out and felt his forehead.

"Looks like your temperature has gone down a bit. You still look a little pale though." Midoriya's said, face close to him. Todoroki blushed at the contact and looked away. Noticing his embarrassment, Midoriya blushed as well. A few awkward moments passed before Midoriya spoke.

"H-hey! You haven't even touched your food. You need to eat if you want to get better!"

" yeah" he mumbled. While Todoroki grabbed some food, Izuku began rummaging around one of the drawers in his desk. He emerged with a few board games and dvds. The boy with red and white hair gazed at him with a confused look.

"What are those?"

"Oh-well I was thinking-you know if you're feeling up to it-we could play some board games or watch a movie. As long as that's okay..." Midoriya chuckled nervously.

"Sure. Why not?" Todoroki gave a small smile.

"Yay!" Midoriya burst into a wide smile. It was the first time since Todoroki arrived that his friend didn't look so worried. He quickly assembled a game on the floor called 'Monopoly'. The latter had never heard of it.

"What?! You've never played monopoly? Shoto you're going to make me cry!"


"Of course it's fine! Not your fault." Midoriya laughed, "Shall we start?"

Izuku had to explain the entire game to him, but they ended up having a lot of confused fun. Midoriya was going to let his friend win, but sending this, Todoroki told him: "it's your power, isn't it? Why don't you use it?" It took Midoriya a whole five minutes to stop laughing, Todoroki even smiled along with him. Soon, Monopoly got kind of monotonous, so they decided to watch a movie on Midoriya's computer. They sat next to one another on the bed and drew up some blankets. Midoriya snatched some popcorn from the kitchen and the two settled in for a good movie. They were watching the first Avengers movie, which felt really ironic since they themselves were heroes (in training of course), and ended up making fun of the movie and its odd view of heroes. During the movie, Midoriya had actually fallen asleep and had his head resting on Todoroki's left side. The latter made no movement to wake him up or move him aside, he just let him sleep. After doing so much for him today, this was the very least he could do. Besides, it wasn't like he minded anyways. When the movie ended, Midoriya woke up. After realizing he was sleeping on Todoroki the whole time, he immediately apologized and shot up from his seat, face ablaze. Todoroki told him it wasn't a big deal and insisted that they should probably go to bed.

"Yeah. As you could tell, I'm pretty tired." Midoriya chuckled, "you take the bed, I'll grab a sleeping bag from the storage closet."

"Midoriya, I'm not having you sleep on the floor in your own house. I'll take the floor, it's really not a problem."

"Absolutely not! I mean...well...we could just share the bed." Midoriya mumbled, expecting a look of disapproval from his icy hot friend. Although it didn't come.

"Sure. Why not?"


So, after getting changed into some pjs, cleaning up, and brushing their teeth, the two got into bed. It wasn't nearly as awkward as Midoriya expected, it was actually kinda...nice. He was ready to sleep after their busy day, but Todoroki had started talking.

"Thank you for today. It was lots of fun."

"Of course! I though so too!"

"Sorry you had to worry about me."

"Oh-that's fine! Everyone needs looking after once in a while, trust me I know that from experience."

"Well...thank you Izuku."

Midoriya's heart swelled. Todoroki just addressed him by his first name. This was the first time he had ever said his first name. It sounded...cute coming from the red and white haired boy. An even though he'd already used his friend's first name before now, he felt it was something even more special now. Smiling, Izuku only had one thing left to say:

"Anytime, Shoto...goodnight." :)

Thank you everyone who is reading my work! I really appreciate it!! I think this story will have one more chapter, but I might turn it into a series of one shots. What do you think?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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Todoroki sick! // Tododeku fluffWhere stories live. Discover now