TI AMO (b)

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The next day, Mahir made his way to the police station, his mind still reeling from the shocking revelations about Bela's brother, Varun. He sought out his junior officer, hoping for some progress in the interrogation.

"Has he said anything? Why did he do all this?" Mahir inquired with a sense of urgency.

Junior officer shook his head. "No sir, we've been questioning him for quite some time now, but he's remained tight-lipped."

Mahir sighed, realizing he might have to intervene personally. Determined, he headed towards the room where Varun was being held for questioning, dismissing everyone else present.

"Everyone leave, I'll handle him," Mahir ordered, his voice firm and resolute.

Varun, seemingly nonchalant, greeted Mahir with unexpected familiarity. "Oh Mahir, it's been ages since I've seen you. How have you been?"

"Shut up and tell me why you sent goons after your own sister, and attempted to usurp her property," Mahir demanded, his tone sharp and accusatory.

Varun's demeanor shifted slightly, his voice betraying a hint of bitterness. "Oh Mahir, Bela isn't my real sister."

Mahir was taken aback. "What do you mean? Just say it clearly."

Varun proceeded to unravel a tale of familial betrayal. "Alright, listen then. Bela is my step-sister. When I was five, my mother passed away. Mr. Sharma remarried, and Bela became a part of our family. I was happy then. But six years ago, when Bela's mother had an accident, I discovered that I had nothing in my name. Everything belonged to Bela. For another six years, I waited for Mr. Sharma to die, planning to seize Bela's property after torturing her. But that old man just wouldn't die. So one day, I gave him a push down the stairs. And that was the end of him."

As Varun's confession hung in the air, Mahir's attention was abruptly drawn to a sound behind him. Turning around, he saw Bela standing there, visibly shaken and in tears.

"Bela, you're here?" Mahir's voice softened with concern.

Bela's eyes bore into Varun with disbelief and anguish. "How could you do this, bhai? I feel sick even calling you brother now. You, whom I've regarded as an elder brother all these years, killed my father just for my property. Why did you do this? If you had told me once, I would have willingly given you everything in my name. At least I would have had my father. But you took him away from me.

If relationships can break for the sake of money, then I want no part of that money. I only want my own people who can love me unconditionally, not harbor hatred. Did you ever think about my father, about me? Perhaps when he was dying..."

Bela's voice cracked, tears streaming down her face as she choked on her words. "Why did you do this? Why?"

Mahir struggled to maintain his composure, his voice steady but firm. "Bela, control yourself. Whatever punishment he deserves, the law will decide. And I'll ensure he spends his entire life in jail."

Summoning his junior officers, Mahir ordered them to escort Varun away.

"Bela... stop crying," Mahir pleaded gently. "What are you doing here at this time?"

Struggling to compose herself, Bela managed to speak through her tears. "Mahir, I can't breathe here."

"Alright, come with me," Mahir said softly, leading her out of the station.

Together, they returned to Mahir's home where he tried to console Bela amidst the turmoil of emotions.

"Now tell me, why did you come here?" Mahir asked gently, his concern evident in his voice.

"When you left home, you forgot your phone. So I thought I should bring it to you at the police station. It's a good thing I did, otherwise I would have spent my whole life wondering what my fault was" Bela explained, her voice tinged with exhaustion and sorrow.

"Bela, enough now," Mahir said reassuringly. "Whatever happened, happened. Everything is fine now. Varun is in the jail now and very soon the law will give him deserved punishment."

Bela nodded and said,"Thank you Mahir, for everything"

"Now my dear, you stay here at home. I'm going. There are some important tasks related to the case that still need attention. Once I'm done with it I'll come home soon. Stay inside, alright?"

Mahir pressed a tender kiss to Bela's forehead before returning to the police station to attend to his duties.


After six months...

It was midnight when someone entered Mahir's room.


Mahir, slightly disoriented from sleep, interrupted her. "Bela, singing this song so late at night..."

Bela interrupted him with a smile. "Mahir, it's your birthday today. I'm here wishing you, and you..."

"Oh sorry, I didn't quite catch that in my sleep" Mahir apologized.

"Okay, here's the cake. Now please cut it," Bela urged him gently.

"Bela, did you make this cake yourself?" Mahir inquired with a hint of skepticism.

"Of course, specially for you" Bela replied, her voice filled with affection.

"In that case, let's save it for tomorrow" Mahir suggested cautiously.

"Why?" Bela questioned with curiosity.

"Because last time you made halwa, you added salt. And maybe this time too," Mahir teased gently.

Bela's shot a glare towards him "Mahirrrr "

"Alright, alright. Bring the cake" Mahir relented with a chuckle.

Observing the cake, Mahir read aloud, "TI AMO." He paused momentarily. "Wait, this is Italian. It means..."

"Yes Mahir, TI AMO," Bela affirmed with a smile.

"On the first day of my college, you saved me from ragging, and we became friends. You became my crush. My other friends said I befriended you for my own benefit, so you could help me with my studies. But I never paid heed to their words because I knew why I befriended you. And on the farewell night when you had to leave, I realized that you weren't just my crush, you were my love. In fact, you still are."

"Oh God Bela, I've wanted to tell you this for so many years, but you suddenly disappeared. Otherwise, I would have told you that very night. And I fell in love with you at first sight, but I couldn't say it because I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. That's why I'm saying it now..."

"BELA, TI AMO," Mahir declared with heartfelt sincerity.

Bela's eyes shimmered with tears of joy. "TI AMO, Mahir."

In that moment, they embraced each other, holding onto each other tightly as they cherished the memories of their journey together.

Four months later, Mahir and Bela exchanged vows, sealing their commitment in marriage. Their wedding day was a culmination of their enduring love and shared journey through trials.

On their first anniversary, amidst joy and laughter, they discovered Bela was pregnant. Months later, they welcomed Ansh into their lives, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. Holding their son for the first time, Mahir and Bela felt immense joy and gratitude for their growing family. As they embraced, they looked forward to a future filled with happiness, cherishing each moment together.

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