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It was 8:30 on a Sunday morning, you had just completed the walk of shame for the first time in your entire life.
You crept back into your apartment, hoping your roommate and best friend, Caroline was still in bed hung over from then night before. As you went into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water before heading to bed, Caroline was stood there, arms crossed, leaning against the fridge waiting for the kettle to boil.

"Go on then, spill!" She exclaimed, it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

As much as you didn't like to open up about your sex life, last night was exhilarating. You nudged Caroline out of the way playfully and retrieved the jug of water from the fridge. Her eyes still on you waiting for a response.

"It was..." you couldn't find the words, your cheeks going slightly pink reminiscing... "Fucking amazing"

His hands on your body, tracing your sides and then up into your hair.
His lips were crashing onto yours as you moaned beneath him at the feeling of his touch.
Grabbing your hair and tugging revealing your neck to him, his lips moved and sucked and nipped onto your neck leaving purple bruises in a trail to your collarbone.

Caroline then asked a million questions at once snapping you out of your trance.
"What's his name? What did he look like? Was he better than Damon?"

"In order?.. hmm.. I don't know, damn hot, and fuck yeah!" You responded before turning on your heel and walking into your room and shutting the door.

"Wait! You don't even know his name! You had the best sex of your life with this man and you don't even know his name!"

You had collapsed on your bed at this point, smiling into the pillow.


A few hours later, you woke with a start. You still had last nights dress on. You slipped it off and headed for the shower.
As the hot water hit your back, you could put anything else in your mind besides the handsome mystery man. Your mind wandering - were going to see him again, how you wanted his hands on you again, longing for his touch.

Now that you were fully awake, you were willing to answer Carolines questions.
You sat with her on the sofa, her eyes were bright and she had a huge grin.

"Tell me about it then?" Her eyes were bright and a huge grin on her face.

"I don't know where to start. Ok... we were in the bar and-'

"You were in Rousseau's! how come I didn't see him!" Caroline exclaimed

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"Caroline put her finger to her lips as to shush herself.
'Ok... we were in the bar, you were with some guy, and I went to get a drink. He was sat on a barstool, looking absolutely fucking gorgeous." You blushed again" He had this dark, sexy suit on and his eyes were chocolate brown and I could just get lost in them. He bought me my drink and after a while, he offered to walk me home. I couldn't see you anywhere, so I thought fuck it, why not!
During the walk, he was talking to me about his family, I wasn't really concentrating though as I was quite drunk. We passed the hotel on the corner... and he just kissed me. One thing led to another and he ended up getting us a room and well, you get the drift"

Caroline squealed in excitement. "So do you think you will ever see him again?"

You rolled you eyes at her, but muttered "I hope so" under your breath.

Take Control - Elijah Mikaelson ⚜️Where stories live. Discover now