Sexually Active?

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Jugheads POV
I was walking down stairs while Veronica had her legs around me and was holding onto my neck.
"Am I now your car"I said jokingly.
"Since when were you not?"she giggled I got to the kitchen while she was still hanging into me.
"Well well well look who it is the sexually active couple!"said a ponytail loudly.
"Shut up Betty you cant tell us what to do"Veronica said tiredly still on me.
"Bla bla bla I don't care, you took jughead away from me and now I'm getting revenge!"yelled the phyco ponytail.
"Betty that's enough!"a deep voice really loud.
I could tell Veronica got scared because she put her head on my chest, good thing she weighs like a feather,literally.
"Hey baby"betty said sweetly.
"Don't call me that I'm dont with you petty I'm breaking up with you and I'm kicking you out!"yelled sweetpea
"Don't ever think you can hurt both of my best friends ever again!"he kept yelling.
Betty ran upstairs and got her stuff and left.
I relised Veronica had just fallen asleep and let go of me luckily I caught her I held her close to me while her legs were around me and her head was on my shoulder she's so cute.
"Thanks sweetpea"I said while sitting in the couch with Ronnie still asleep on me.
"It's what best friends are for"he said.
2 hours later
I woke up with Veronica gone I must've fallen asleep dammit. I looked around the house and everyone was gone but I hadn't checked in mine and Veronica's room.
I walked in and I saw Veronica siting on our bed crying I ran to her and gave her a hug and said
"Veronica what wrong!"
"I-I kissed Archie in the closet last night" she said looking me in the eye.
"R-Ronnie why?"I said about to cry. 
"It didn't mean anything and it was only one kiss,I kissed him because he kissed me the he was sad about the past so I kissed him to make him happy, I'm so so so so so so so so sorry Jug!" She said while tears ran down her cheeks.
"It's ok Ronnie, I just want you to remember I love you so so so so so so so much!"I said kissing her.
"I love you to"she said with a smile on her face and kissing me back.

Veronica's POV
He took me to the closet the same as last night we're the magic happens. He kissed me then took my jumper off I then took his shirt off and kissed him again and again and again he took my bra off and kissed down my neck and I was undoing his belt. I took my pants off and so did he he picked me up and put me on his waist and the rest.

After doing that I relised he didn't use a condom. I started freaking out but realised I doubt that I'll be pregnant. I just shook it off and went to eat I bit down onto my food and then felt the urge to throw up I ran upstairs to the bathroom and threw up. I probably had food poison I thought mid throw up.
After that I was fine perfectly fine I was worried
1 month later
Everyday I was throwing up and I finally decided to get a pregnancy test. I went to the bath room and used it.......

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