global citizen concert 2020

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have you guys ever heard of this event? it's not like one of those typical concerts because we're all obviously quarantined

it's in a video on Youtube that live streamed like yesterday or today but at 3 am and it's literally videos of celebrities that are famous (well some of them are really famous some juat known for their songs or their career)

there were a lot of celebs from all around the world who helped and did this event and which is one of the reasons why i'm excited

i forgot who's idea it was to make this concert if i'm not mistaken it was lady gaga idk

there are some celebs who explained that they did this to give a shoutout to the doctors because they're still working really hard and they were forced to keep away from their loved ones

i didn't finish watching it because it's an 8 hour vid so what do you expect?

i literally only reached the first hour

while i watched it (and while writing this) i was also looking through instagtam and i found this post by @els.waffle saying:

4 things you should be thankful for:

1. you have a roof over your head
2. you have clear water
3. you ate today
4. you have people who care about you

be thankful for what you have, especially during times like this <3

she used pics of max from season 3 when she was talking to el about boys and i think those are pretty wise words

anyway i just had the urge to share this, that's all i have to say so thank you for coming to read me talk about a concert i freaked out about because there was billie eilish

i hope you guys stay safe and all i have to say is that i love you guys <3 and have a good night or day

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