movie-series day pt. 2

14 5 2

19th april 2020

17.50 pm

i just finished watching abe, the 2019 movie starring noah schnapp

AND I CRIED p.s. i love it

come to think of it i think i mention that i cry in movies a lot don't i?

but i think it's quite rare for me to cry considering i don't have "emotions" at least that's what my bro told me (but i mean he's not wrong NO I DO HAVE EMOTIONS it's just that it would be rare for you to see me cry in a movie but maybe since i am starting to drink a lot more water i can)

21.51 pm

i just finished watching the live action of the jungle book and it was so good (i'm a disney fan and i watch these kind of stuff and yOu cAn'T sTapH mE)

tbh i think the jumpscares scared me more than IT and The Turning because it was really unexpected from a disney movie and doesn't seem like disney's default but at least it's something out of the old box :)

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