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I wake up to the sound of footsteps and I sit up in my bed. Zayn is still sleeping next to me and I give him a quick, gentle kiss before getting out of bed to see who's walking around.

"Hey, Perrie!" Safaa says rather loudly just as I exit my room.

"Shh! Zayn's still sleeping." I tell her.

She nods. "So how did your appointment go last night?"

My eyes widen and I guide her away from the room Zayn is currently sleeping in. "How did you know about that?"

"Candy told us."

I nod and then say, "Harry should be here soon with the gender results."

"You look nervous." she observes.

"I am nervous. I hope it's a boy, for obvious reasons, but I've always wanted a girl." I explain to Safaa.

"If it is a girl, you can't let anyone find out or else they'll kill her."

I frown. "Yeah, I know the rules." my voice comes out monotone and sad.

She notices my discomfort and gleefully takes my hand. "Here, let's go eat some breakfast."

Just as we jump off the last step, Zayn opens the bedroom door and Harry walks in with papers. I freeze and so does the rest of the girls.

"Harry? Is everything okay?" Zayn asks in confusion.

He looks at me and then back to Zayn. "Yeah, never better."

"What's that?" Zayn points to the papers he's holding.

"Oh, uh, it's, um...you see...I-I was just dropping these off for...Candy." Harry stutters miserably and I mentally face palm myself.

"What is it?" Zayn descends down the stairs/

Harry looks frightened and I want to save him but I don't know what to say. "This is...it's, um, a paper that--okay, I took Perrie and Candy to the hospital last night and I was just dropping this off for them." he quickly confesses.

I want to cry and punch Harry in the face at the same time. How on earth did he break so easily when Zayn didn't even interrogate him? At least he didn't read it so he can't spoil the news to Zayn.

"And Perrie, I read it, but not the results." he confesses to me.

"Give them to me." I demand and he hands over the papers.

"What the hell is going on?" Zayn snaps.

"I'm pregnant, okay?!" I shout and the whole room goes quiet. "And if you want to see the gender of your baby, then get the hell over here!"

Everyone circles around me and I scan the page. Realizing that I still don't know how to read, I hand the papers over to Harry who reads aloud. Loads and loads of medical terms later, he finds the results to the gender of my child.  My eyes well with tears at those three words. "It's a girl." Harry says and everyone gasps.

I turn to Harry and cry, "Please don't tell Jade. Please don't tell anyone! The less people that know, the better."

"Perrie, I can't just--"

"Yes you can!" I shout and everyone goes silent again. "You have to and you will."

I take one last look at everyone and charge up the stairs. I collapse onto my bed and let myself go completely. I hear the door open and I refuse to lift my head to see who it is.

"Flower, we need to talk about this." I hear Zayn say and his voice alone soothes me.

"There's nothing to talk about, Zayn. I'm pregnant and we're having a girl who is going to be killed anyway." I blatantly say.

"No she's not!" he yells. "I don't know about you, Perrie, but I am going to do everything I can to protect this little girl."

I remove my face from the pillow and look up at him. "You will?"

He nods and his expression softens as he joins me on the bed. "I'd do anything for you, you know that, and this little girl is a part of you--apart of us. And I'm more than excited to have a little girl. Hell, she'll probably look just like you!"

I laugh at the thought of having a mini-me running around. "She'll look like you too."

Zayn thinks for a moment and then smiles. "I bet she'll have blonde hair and brown eyes."

"Or brown hair and blue eyes." I add.

"She'll be our little princess. "Zayn says and giddy grins take over our faces.

"It'll be hard." I sigh and we both frown.

"We just have to make sure she makes it until she's a year old." Zayn states.

My head snaps up at him and I'm beyond confused. "What?"

He looks confused himself for a moment and then says, "Oh, you didn't know about that?"

"Know about what?" I ask.

"They can't kill her after she's one year old." he tells me. "How did you think Safaa and Waliyha lived this long? They were supposed to be killed when they were born but my mom hid them from everyone until after they turned one."

That had never occured to me. Why didn't I ever know about this "one year old" rule?

"It'll be hard, yes, but my mom can help us. She's done it twice." Zayn adds.

I sigh in relief and then say, "So we're really doing this?"

Zayn takes me hand in his, igniting the fire in me, and brings out foreheads together. "We're really doing this; we're having a baby."


"She's pregnant." the doctor states.

I turn around curiously to face him. "Boy or girl?"

"Girl." he answers and an evil grin takes over my face. 

"This will be fun then, won't it? Thank you for your time, Doctor Oliver, and please keep this news between us. If you hear anything else, come to me and no one else." I command and he nods.

"Yes, Master Styles." he says and exits the room.

I turn to Niall and lower my voice. "Here's the plan: We do not do anything to any of them during her pregnancy. We do not bother them or cause attention to ourselves. We're going to keep everything on the down low and once the kids pops out, we attack."

Niall nods his head. "Perfect."

I rub my hands together and look out the window. "They'll never see it coming."

Little Me [Zerrie]Where stories live. Discover now