hello past

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I stumbled to the bathroom, holding onto the wall. I flung myself into a cubicle and began to get sick. I cleaned myself and left the bathroom, when someone grabbed my wrist. they pulled me into a corner and I couldn't make out their face.

His grip got tighter on my wrist.

"Stop it, your hurting me" I spoke

"Shutup you slut"

"Who are you?"

"How couldn't you recognise me, it's Charlie darling"

"Get off me" I screamed

"Ssh"he said, slapping my cheek

"HELP ME" I screamed

He shoved me against the wall and started to unzip my dress. my skin was crawling, where was everyone?

"Helpp" I called

Charlie, began forcing me to kiss him and tell him that I loved him, this made me want to vomit.

"Kate, where are you?" I could Josh's voice


Charlie slapped me and stripped me off my clothing, then he began to hit me and then he entered me.

I cried and cried.

"Get the fuck off her" Josh said pulling him off me

I crawled into the corner, shivering and sobbing. Josh shoved him against the wall.

"You couldn't let her be fucking happy could you, you disgust me, you filthy animal" Josh shouted

I just wanted to go home, Josh let him go and he scrambled. Josh came over, he put his hand on my shoulder but I flinched. he looked at me with sympathy.

"I'll get JJ and you get dressed"

"I can't Josh" I sobbed

"Here take my jacket" he said

Grabbed it and put it over my shoulders. soon after, JJ came. he ran over and tried to hug me but I flinched and shoved him off.

"I just want to go home JJ " i sobbed


I could hear the hurt in his voice. Tiffany helped me down the steps of the club and JJ got the car. When he pulled up, Josh opened the door and helped me in. He and Tiffany got in as well. They and JJ talked while I sobbed into my knees.

Finally we got to the house and I grabbed my phone.

"Hi... Dr.Harten?... Um could you come to my house, I need you to take evidence."
"Oh no, he didn't do it again" she spoke
"Unfortunately" I spoke, i began to quiver
"I'm on my way, don't wash or shower, you know the drill"

I ended the call and went to sit down in the sitting room. my head was pounding, my skin was crawling. JJ handed me a mug and sat beside me. Tiffany and Josh sipped coffee on the armchair beside the sofa. The silence was unbearable.

"I'm sorry for ruining the night.." I spoke

They looked at me, they seemed shocked.

"You didn't ruin anything okay? " JJ replied

"Why did it have to happen" I sobbed

JJ embraced me, his hugs made everything seem better. The door bell rang, Dr.Harten stood at the door. she smiled with sympathy in her eyes. JJ helped me up and linked my arm to the sitting room. Dr.Harten put on gloves and took out some swabs.

She swabbed my body for evidence and she bagged my clothes. She contacted the police on her way her. They arrived and took my statement. it was 4 in the morning. JJ and I went to bed, he let me have space and slept in the spare room.

I lay awake until 9, when the doorbell rang. I went to open it, my mum and my three beautiful children smiled up at me. JJ told me to take the children and brought my mum through to the kitchen.

"Mumma I missed you" Declan smiled as Hope closed her eyes in my arms.

Brody and Declan laid on me as we watched TV together. JJ and my mum came in, my mum looked at me sympathetically. JJs eyes were bloodshot. I knew he was exhausted.

"Sweetie do want me to take the children" my mum asked

"No, I'm fine. I just to be with them and my husband."

"Okay, I'll see myself out" she replied

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