Chapter nine

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I hear Lucas sit beside me, and we sit in silence for moments. Finally, he speaks.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not mad at you." I answer quietly. "I'm just..upset."

"Upset at what?"

I turn towards him. "When I first asked didn't say it was you. Why?"

He runs his hand through his blonde hair and sighs. "Because. I..I was scared. At the time I didn't know it was you so I didn't want to tell you, for fear of..Belle hearing about it. You interested me, Anabelle."

"And you me..but now comes my next question, how did you find out Belle was me?"

"When Camden knocked you down. Did you not notice your hair came un-done?" he replies.

I look at him as I grab my hair, which did indeed fall out of its braided bun.

"My goodness..that's how you realized?"

"Well, that and the fact you did look a major lot like her." he smirks.

I laugh. "Yes, I'm surprised I didn't figure you out as well!"

"I'm glad you didn't, I'm pretty sure if we had figured each other out before, we wouldn't have become friends." Lucas replies.

I grin at him. "You never know.."

After a moment of silence, Lucas stands up, grabs my hands, and pulls me up with him. Holding them tightly he smiles at me. "Well, I know it's already happening but.."

I look at him with confusion.

"Anabelle, I love you. I'm glad that we've gotten to know each other even if it wasn't as ourselves." Lucas pauses, and looks down at my left hand. He chuckles. "It's a wonder I haven't put a ring there yet.."

I laugh. "Well, it would be there for a short time anyway. The wedding band would be there within months."

"How'd you like one just cause?" Lucas asks.

I look at him in surprise. "That would be lovely...are you formally proposing?!"

Lucas smiles. "Maybe," he joked. He pulls out a small diamond ring from his pocket. I gasp in amazement. "What do you say?"

"Well, I'm already getting married to you aren't I?" I giggle. "Yes, yes. I'll take it!"

Lucas slides the ring on my finger and grips my hands tightly to his heart. He smiles at me, and I look up at him with the same big smile as him.

"I love you." he tells me.

"Yeah, I know.. I love you too."

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