"Molly" I say

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"Your in the 1975" I blurt out, not really putting that much thought into my words. He looks up from staring at the floor and right into my eyes. The corner of his mouth turns up a little into a smile. "Nice to meet you too" he nods slightly. He looks tired not just from a bad nights sleep,more than that. He remains drooped against the wall. "Sorry," I laugh to myself, Social situations are not exactly my strong suit. "I just like your music that's all" I shrug my shoulders, like he really cares what I think. "didn't mean to sound weird" I avert my gaze and pray my coffee comes soon. He taps me on the arm. "I was joking darling, that means a lot honestly" he smiles even more than before. "I'm Matty, I guess you already knew that though" he says teasingly. I shrug awkwardly. "I'm not that good with names, so I usually just focus on what they're singing really," he looks at me more curiously. Wow that made me sound like a complete bitch. "Not that I don't care what your name is" I try to correct myself, badly. "I just don't really keep up to date with all that.. stuff" okay, Flo would probably have had her hand over my mouth by now. He stands up properly without the aid of the wall like before. "Neither do I" he grins and holds out his hand. "Take two, Hi i'm Matty" I look a him confused before thinking 'fuck it' and taking his hand and shaking it like I was at my first interview. "Molly" I say .

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