Part One

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Chapter One

Nothing ever seemed to be normal for Leah. She had No father, a dead-beat mother, an older brother addicted to drugs, back-stabbing friends, and not enough money for a future. She always tried her best to make things as normal as she could. And if she couldn't make things normal, she'd make them seem normal.

She walked up the steps to the front door of her rather large, Dallas High School. Leah was from Texas, but she was no country girl. There were ghetto parts of Dallas. No one ever saw those parts, though. But that was where she was from, and it was who she was.

There was nothing really extrordianary about Leah. She was16, had long, Black hair, and dyed her bangs whatever color she felt like. Her mother never really cared. Leah had dyed her hair neon green once before, and her mother didn't even notice. She had large, grey eyes that never seemed to shine. She was average height and average weight. No one really noticed her, because there was nothing all that special about her.

But there was one thing that Leah had noticed, that was rather extraordinary. She had never told anyone.

When she was 11 years old, She was staying the night at her grandmother's house. Leah had woken up before her grandmother, which suprised her, considering her Grandma usually woke up extremely early. Leah shook her grandma. She didn't wake up. Leah realized she wasn't breathing. She put her ear to her chest. No heartbeat.

At that second, Leah had a strange instinct to put her hands on her grandmother's shoulders, and think about life. Her grandma awoke, and asked Leah how she came back to life. Leah played dumb.

"It was probably just a dream, Grandma."

A few years later, her grandmother had a heart attack, and the same thing happened again. Leah knew This wasn't fake.

Chapter Two

Eloise never had it good. When she was 10, her parents had died in a car accident. All she had was her older brother, Michael.

Eloise was 14, and very short and petite. She had short, spiky, platinum blond hair, and was always dressed in black. Saying she was depressed was an understaement. Eloise had attempted suicide four times, but her foster parents were always quick to interveen.

She felt awful that Michael had to go through that, and vowed she would never leave his side, beacause her sweet, 16 year old brother didn't deserve that.

Eloise remembers the day her parents died. She was in the car, along with Michael. She remembers every detail.

The car going over the bridge, being underwater, seeing her whole family lifeless and still. She turned to Michael, and had the oddest feeling that she could bring him back to life. She placed her hands on his shoulders, and thought about how much she needed him. His eyes flew open, and he immidiately opened the car door, and brought himself and Eloise to the surface.

Both Michael and Eloise knew, but never told.

Chapter Three

Isabelle had everything going for her. She was 17,an only child, popular, loved, and absoloutely gorgeous.She was tall, thin, had long, blonde, curly hair that was died so it got darker as it went down, leaving the top of her hair platinum, and the tips black. She had Blue eyes, and perfext features. Her parents were quite wealthy, and she often got what she wanted. And with that attitude, she was definitely a bully.

She could make remarks about someone constantly, publically embarass anyone, and treat the world like her playground. It was all in the palms of her hands. She found a sick hapiness from it.

But Isabelle had a secret, too.

Just two years before, when she was 15, she was at a party where underage drinking was taking place. One of the girls-Who Isabelle had terrorized quite often-Had decided to play the well-known, yet dangerous, Choking Game. She took the needle to her neck, and Isabelle couldn't watch. When she opened her eyes, everyone was running away.

Isabelle saw that that the girl had gone limp, and was draped over the balcony railing. That strange urge to save her hit Isabelle. She had never felt that before. But she remembered no one was around, and walked to the girl. She placed her hands on the girl's neck where the needle had been, and the girl gasped in a deep breath, regaining conscienceness, and life. Isabelle ran as fast and as far as she could.

Each of these three girls knew one thing:

They had this gift. They had no clue what it was, how they got it, what it was for. or how it worked,

but they knew they needed it.

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