Part Two

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Chapter 4

Leah sat in class, with no ambition to pay attention.

She hated school, and was absolutely no good at it. She was incredibly street smart, and could make her way out of any problem in life, but this was torture. She was more of a leader. She was made to lead others, not sit behind a desk and listen to some person drone about the history of Africa.

When the teacher called on her, she merely listened to the whispers around the room. Someone was bound to say it. But sometimes, the whispers were about how stupid she was.

Deep inside, Leah wasn't stupid. She was damaged.

Soon enough, the bell rang. She got up and made her way into the hall. The class she had next was in the basement, which was empty, but usually not as stranded as it was just then.

She never even noticed what was happening, when a large, dark man sprung out from behind a corner and pinned her to a wall at her side, his forearm on her neck, her feet barely touching the ground. She feared for he life, but was too afraid to struggle. If she could breath, she'd be hyperventilating.

"You are going to do what I say, you are going to pay attention, or I will kill you. Do you understand?" The dark man sad

Leah nodded.

"You are to go to the office. Say that you are sick and you're driving yourself home. But you are to find me behind the school."

"Are you going to hurt me?" Leah choked out.

"I shouldn't have to if you do what you're told."

He let Leah go, and she sheepishly walked to the office, not sure of her fate.

When Leah showed up behind the school, the dark man was there. For some reason, she followed him. He placed his hands on her forehead, ad everything went black.

Chapter 5

Eloise sat quietly on her porch, with her brother smoking a cigarette. She knew she was too young to smoke, but she did it anyway. Anything that could relieve stress was Eloise's best friend.

"So how's school going?" Michael said.

He was actually quite concerned about her, he was more of a parent than anyone else in her life.

"Good. Well, the academic part of it." Eloise was very smart, she just was not good at socializing and making friends.

"You don't need them, Eloise. You're perfect. You have me. I'm no good at making friends, either, so it's a good thing we have each other. And if I didn't have you, I wouldn't be here. Literally." Michael loved Eloise. She really was all he had.

"I know. Thanks."

Just then, Eloise realized they were being shot at.

"Get in the house!!!" Michael yelled, but it was too late. Eloise was hit.

Michael realized that they weren't being shot at with bullets, but darts.

One plunged into his back, and he fell to the ground.

Chapter 6

"Admit it, you know you stole Christian." Isabelle said to Rachel, a girl at her school.

Isabelle and Rachel were alone in the locker room. It was nearly thirty minutes after school, and Isabelle wasn't letting up on Rachel.

"You don't even know him!" Rachel said between sobs.

"I know he's cute, and I know I'm prettier than you, which means I could have had him."

"You're making no sense! Please let me go!"

"Not until you admit you took him."

"Isabelle." Rachel said cautiously

"Don't try to change the subject." Isabelle retorted.

Rachel ran. Ran like she was full of fear and was running for her life.

Isabelle wasn't able to say anything before she was being held in a headlock and dragged away by a large man. She tried to scream, but was too filled with absolute fear.

Soon she was gone.

Rachel was watching from behind a corner. She touched the spot in her neck that had a small pin hole scar left on it. The same spot that Isabelle had touched two years earlier and saved her life

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