1: where it all began

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author's note:

hi! this story will be split into three parts — i was planning to publish it all in one go but the word count would be too high. so, keep your eyes peeled for the next update! please vote, comment, and share.. if you'd like to listen to music while you read, i recommend "human" by dodie. enjoy the story!

edit: i fixed a few spots so this chapter would fit with the plot better. if you reread, see if you can catch them! now, get to reading :)


june 1 2035

the one and only lily luna potter stands, holding up six fingers to a barmaid as her best friend staggers up to her and puts his arm across her shoulders. she can smell the firewhiskey on his breath.

"lilyyy," he says with a slow drawl, "did you order those all just for me?"

she pushes him off, looking away. "scorpius, you've got to slow down. the night has barely started — it's only 11pm and you're already drunk."

a barmaid sets six butterbeers on the table in the corner where the six of them — lily, scorpius, albus, james, teddy, and lorcan — sit. they hold up their butterbeers and bellow, "to the witch who made it all happen!"

lily stands and bows deeply, dramatically, with a flourish. her bright red hair whips up when she comes up and sits back down.

"and to the man of the night, and the man of tomorrow — scorpius! hyperion! malfoy!"

the men raise their glasses and go off to play darts. scorpius bolts up out of his seat to follow and nearly collapses just as fast. lily is quick to steady him. she sits him back down before he really hurts himself. he slings his arm back across her shoulders and his breath is warm on her neck when he whispers, "lily, you know i'd be nothing without you. you mean so much to me."

she does not look at him now. "you're just drunk."

then he grabs her chin and makes her look right into his eyes, his molten silver eyes.

and for that moment, that one moment she wishes would last forever, lily thinks back to where it all began.


september 1 2017

the first thing lily notices about the boy is his shock of platinum blond hair. the second is that his eyes are grey.

grey, piercing, fierce. lily sits, quietly observing the blond boy in the distance. his father, whose appearance is duller — sadder eyes and worry wrinkles and silver streaks in his hair — brushes lint off the boy's shoulders and plants a kiss on his forehead. lily is safe to shamelessly stare from her spot, sitting on her trolley surrounded by a sea of red-headed family members.

quiet isn't usual for little lily, so her brother james elbows her a little harder than she'd like and asks what she's staring at, weirdo. lily snaps back and soon the boy with grey eyes is lost in the crowd.

lily waves goodbye to both of her older brothers and her cousin rose. she wipes a tear away before her parents can see and pastes a wide smile onto her face. she needs to be cheerful, even if they're gone. even if she's alone, now.


june 1 2035

lily gives them an easy smile. "i'm going to go now. albus, you'll look after him?"

her brother nods and takes scorpius off her hands. she allows herself one more look before she goes. scorpius' gaze is on the floor and he waves her off.

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