2: easily

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author's note: i hope all of you are safe and secure in your homes during this crisis. i want to confirm that coronavirus is not present in this universe, or it was present but a wizard at st mungo's figured out a vaccine and secretly gave it to a muggle doctor. the recommended song for this chapter is easily by bruno major.


june 2 2035

lily and rose apparate into a hall lit with bright light that streams in through tall, ornate windows.

rose squeezes lily's hands and walks off. lily is nearly knocked over by someone holding a large vase with white roses and baby's breath. "oy, watch it! and make sure there isn't too much baby's breath in there!" lily takes a deep breath. "everything needs to be perfect."

lily walks around and makes sure all of the roses are in full bloom, brandishing her wand over each bustle of flowers. grandma weasley sees her and tuts, hurrying on over. "lily, dear, you don't need to worry about this all anymore! i can't believe that you're not in the dressing room. go, go and get ready! that's the most important thing right now."

lily nods and heads to join all the other women in the dressing room. but, before she goes, she makes a quick stop.


november 15 2022

lily sits with her back against a tree overlooking the black lake with a potions textbook in hand. scorpius is lying down with his head resting on her lap. she remarks at his stupidity, at least in terms of potions, and he scoffs, says she can't even keep rhythm so she couldn't hope to ever play piano like him. she pinches him on the arm for being a pompous jerk, supposedly, and he gives her that signature smirk and says she just wants an excuse to touch him.

lily rolls her eyes but her lips are quirked in a smile. so, she says, what is the main ingredient in amortentia? and scorpius says love, of course. so then lily calls him a useless idiot. scorpius is back at it again with that dumb smirk. he says she must like useless idiots, or she wouldn't spend so much time around him.

lily ignores the flush rising in her cheeks and adds, also albus. asks, where is albus? scorpius fingers a lock of her red hair. doesn't matter, scorpius says, he doesn't like teaching me potions. guess that makes him a purposely useless idiot.

lily nods and tries to focus scorpius' 5th year potions textbook. but scorpius stays in his position, lying in her lap and playing with her long red hair. he says, you have hair like fire.

so lily looks at him now, expecting him to crack a joke.

instead, he calls her hair beautiful.


june 2 2035

lily stops at the boys' dressing room door. she calls out, "scorp. scorpius, come here, i have something for you."

albus cracks the door woman and looks around and behind lily before letting her in. "dear god, woman. what are you here for?"

lily laughs and pushes her brother away. "let me guess, scorpius is in the bathroom now, puking his guts out from last night. i'm here with a little something to help him out."

she shows albus her potion and shakes it around a little, the slimy green liquid sloshing around inside. albus wrinkles his nose and lets her through. lily makes her way through men in navy blue suits to the bathroom door. "scorpius? are you in there?"

she hears an affirmative grunt. she leans against the door, closing it a little. "i have a hangover potion here for you."

"thank merlin! you're a lifesaver." scorpius tries to open the door from the other side, but lily keeps her left hand on it, keeping the door ajar, while reaching her right around. he pauses a moment before she feels his hand on the potion.

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