4: love

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author's note: i have genuinely enjoyed writing this story so much! however, it unfortunately must come to an end. i originally was only going to have 1 giant chapter then decided to divide it up once i realized only ¼ of my outline consisted of over 2k words.

i am so sorry for the wait! regarding recent events, i have been busy educating myself on the subject of the Black Lives Matter movement and the history of police brutality. to each person reading this, please, please please inform yourself with information on systemic racism. please sign all the petitions that can help stop police brutality. please check your privilege and stay angry, stay disturbed, stay hungry for justice.

this is an issue of human rights. it's about elevating a people that has been oppressed for centuries. it should matter to each and every one of you.

so, i was unsure if posting regular content would be alright during this time, especially as everyone is posting like normal is okay right now. but i understand that life must go on. i just ask that we don't forget about the power that each of us has to incite change.

linktree: https://linktr.ee/blacklivesmatter

info: https://blacklivesmatter.com/ (please comment or PM me if these links do not work)

there are many more resources that are easily accessible, so keep an eye out on social media and on change.org. these links are simply a jumping off point.

now, back to the story. i've found myself wanting to add more and more to this story. i love the characters, the world and the story line that has been developed. i could really see this becoming a longer, full work that would go in chronological order instead of jumping back and forth.

however, it would include more character development, little scenes that i couldn't include here, and possibly a different ending, and it would be split between two perspectives instead of jumping between past and present. i don't want to spoil anything.

if that is what you'd like, please comment that you want the longer version!

finally, this chapter's song is next to me by emile sande. now, enjoy!


june 2 2035

the officiator says a blur of words that seem to bleed into one another. lily's mind is racing, but she keeps a cool facade that threatens to crumble every time she looks at scorpius.

rose, on the other hand, is glowing. she is gorgeous and splendid and beaming and everything that scorpius deserves.

scorpius keeps his gaze on the officiant, though sometimes his eyes search for someone other than rose.

lily takes deep breaths as the officiant gestures to rose. the bride wipes away a tear before she begins. her loving gaze lies on scorpius. her eyes meet his as she smiles, lovesick.

"scorpius, i want you to know when i first wrote these vows, they were pages and pages long. they would've taken hours to recite — so i cut it down — but not only since you'd make fun of me for this for the rest of our days. i knew i had to limit it to what matters the most. so, scorpius, something that matters, is that i knew i'd love you from the moment i met you.

"you were talented, musical, and so sweet from the very start. i knew it from that first day in the train compartment. it was so much fun to be your friend, and later your girlfriend, at hogwarts... but i think it was when you first played piano for me that i fell in love.

"you are so creative with your music. every time i listen to you, the notes seem altered in some way, and always better. when you shared the song you wrote for me, i was on the brink of tears.

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