The first dream

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Link fell asleep. He began dreaming. He dreamed he was in a room, and in walked Rhett. Link felt sudden desire. He wanted to kiss Rhett, because he loved him. Link loved Rhett so much, so, so much. Link reached out for Rhett, and the two collided, kissing. It felt like an eternity of kissing, warm, wonderful kissing. Link awoke, sweating. "Ugh!" Link exclaimed, disgusted. "What the crap was that?" He shouted into the air. Why am I dreaming about kissing Rhett? Link thought to himself. How freakin weird, he thought. He laid there for a while before finally getting up and getting out of bed. He went downstairs like every morning, the only thing was coffee on his mind. He probably would't even have remembered the dream if it weren't for noticing a magnet on the fridge, a magnet that was a photo of him and Rhett from high school. Link again recalled the dream. Dreams. He thought to himself. Just a dream. He poured himself a warm mug of coffee and walked to the table sitting himself down at it. He sipped. As he brought the cup to his lips, and as he felt the warm liquid touching his lips and his tongue, it made him think more about the dream, more about Rhett's lips against his. Link felt a little queasy. He walked to the sink and poured the coffee down the drain. So much for that. He whispered. Link didn't feel like seeing Rhett today. Not after that dream. He felt like it would be way too awkward. Link went into the living room and laid down on the couch. Sleep took him again. He again began to dream. "Link". He heard Rhett say his name. He turned. Rhett stood near him, completely nude. "Where'd you go? I was just starting to enjoy your lips." Rhett said. Link felt Rhett pull him close. Link felt Rhett's lips on his. Here came another eternity of wonderful kissing. Link felt so warm, so loved, so protected in the arms of his best friend. Link awoke on the couch, startled. One minute he was in Rhett's arms, the next he was on a cold sofa. It took him a few minutes to adjust to what he just dreamed, and where he was now. Link felt his heart ache. Some part of him was sad that he wasn't really in Rhett's arms, being kissed, being held, being loved. Link hugged himself. He wanted to try to mimic the feeling of Rhett's hug around his body. He placed a hand to his own lips and tried to recreate that feeling. It wasn't the same. Link sighed. Now he kind of wished Rhett was here, just to be close.

Link felt so cold and alone. All he wanted were Rhett's arms around his. All he wanted was Rhett's love, and he didn't know it until now. Link closed his eyes, still with his arms hugging himself, tried to imagine Rhett beside him, cuddling his body into his own. 

Link felt so vulnerable, so in need. He needed Rhett. He picked up the telephone. He called Rhett. "Rhett, I need you to come over. I just need you." Link said. It took about half an hour, but Rhett was over. Rhett swung open the door. "Needed me?" Rhett asked, walking in. "Yeah man I..." Link began, but stalled. Link didn't know what to say. Link walked towards Rhett and threw his arms around his waist, placing his face in Rhett's tummy. Link felt Rhett put his hands on his back and began to lightly rub. Link felt comfort at last. Link felt the need to be honest. Looking up at Rhett he began "Rhett... I had a dream this morning...well two. And in one of those dreams we...we kissed." Link stated. Rhett just looked at him for a moment than began to chuckle. "Did we now?" Rhett asked with a smile. Link felt heat in his face. "And in the second dream you held me real close, like this, and I woke up and...I just needed to feel it again." Link said. Link buried his face back into Rhett's belly, a little ashamed this time. "Awe Link." Rhett said looking down at his head pressed into his belly. "Look at me Link." Rhett said. Link looked up at Rhett, and Rhett could see tears forming in Link eyes. "Link, I'll hug you whenever you need it, man." Rhett said. Rhett pulled Link towards his body tighter. "How does that feel?" Rhett asked Link. "It's nice." Link said. Rhett pulled him close even tighter. Link could feel his heart beating in his own chest. It felt like at any moment his heart would grow wings and fly right out. He felt like he was floating. All he felt was the purest love. "Man, I just...I think I really need you. I I do love you. Your love. I just want your love." Link said, blushing. "Link, are you blushing?" Rhett said with a grin. Link could't help but giggle. "Maybe." He said, sheepishly. "Well, my dear prince..." Rhett began. "My love you want and my love you shall have." Rhett said, with a smile. Rhett held Link protectively and placed a kiss into Link's soft, heavily conditioned hair. Link felt so excited. Rhett does love me! Link thought, happily. "Kiss me." Link said quietly. Rhett looked down at Link. "Please Rhett." Link begged in a whisper. "Rhett I want you to kiss me. On the lips." Rhett was hesitant at first, but then obliged, holding Link's chin and forcing Link to look up. Rhett bent down and kissed Link right on the lips. Link gave Rhett a glance from his sweet, watering blue eyes that caused Rhett's heart to melt.

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